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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Language Barriers and Expenditure: Impeding Equal Access to Justice


The pursuit of justice is intricately tied to the principles of equality, yet the use of English in higher judiciary proceedings poses a significant obstacle to equal access to justice. This challenge is particularly pronounced in rural areas and among socially deprived groups. In this analysis, we explore how language and associated expenditures in the legal system hinder the realization of equal justice, emphasizing the need for awareness campaigns, legal aid, and technological solutions.

Language as a Barrier:

The English language, prevalent in the higher judiciary of countries like India, becomes a formidable barrier for a substantial portion of society. Understanding judicial procedures, accessing legal documents, and comprehending judgments in a language not widely spoken exacerbate disparities in legal knowledge. Although the Supreme Court's initiative to publish judgments in regional languages is a positive step, this approach needs broader implementation.

Addressing Linguistic Gaps:

Legal aid institutions play a pivotal role in bridging linguistic gaps. By providing support in local languages, they enable individuals to comprehend their rights and navigate the legal system effectively. Embracing technology in legal aid services further democratizes access to justice. The dissemination of legal information through digital platforms ensures a wider reach and empowers individuals to seek redressal without being hindered by language barriers.

Cost Implications:

One of the most significant barriers to justice is the cost associated with legal proceedings. A substantial portion of the population, particularly in rural areas, finds it financially burdensome to pursue legal remedies. To enhance equal access, there is a pressing need to reduce the overall cost of obtaining justice. This could involve subsidizing legal services, streamlining court processes, and advocating for policies that alleviate financial burdens on individuals seeking justice.

Promoting Awareness:

Creating awareness among the populace about their legal rights is paramount. Initiatives to educate people about their rights and the avenues available for legal aid must be widespread. Empowering individuals with knowledge ensures they are not only aware of their rights but also equipped to seek legal assistance when necessary. Judges, as educators, play a crucial role in disseminating this information to both students and the broader public.

Global Perspectives and Best Practices:

The Supreme Court's initiative to publish judgments in regional languages sets a commendable precedent. Other countries can emulate such practices to make legal information more accessible to diverse populations. The consensus among top judges globally, advocating for the implementation of the right to legal aid even before an arrest, underscores the urgency of addressing these issues on an international scale.

The Concluding Note:

Equal access to justice is a fundamental tenet of a just society, yet linguistic barriers and associated costs hinder this principle. By promoting awareness, leveraging technology, and adopting inclusive language practices, societies can pave the way for a more equitable legal system. The commitment of top judiciaries to make legal information accessible in regional languages is a positive step, but sustained efforts are required to ensure justice is truly within reach for all.


Ideas, thoughts, views, informations, discussions and interpretation expressed herein are being shared in the public Interest. Readers' discretion is advised as these are subject to my subjectivity and may contain human errors in perception, interpretation and presentation of the fact and issue involved herein.

Written By: Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman,
IP Adjutor - Patent and Trademark Attorney
Mob No: 9990389539

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Detrimental Impact of Indecent Language in Political Campaigns

The Detrimental Impact of Indecent Language in Political Campaigns 


In the current political landscape, the quest for a universally accepted leader within alliances is obscured by the prevalence of superficiality. Regrettably, respect and honor seem to have given way to a politics of hatred, animosity, and discrimination, posing a serious threat to Indian democracy. This article aims to dissect the ramifications of employing indecent language in political campaigns, with a particular focus on recent instances in Indian politics.

Declining Prestige of Politics:

The use of absurd, unrestrained, and superficial language in political discourse is indicative of a decline in the prestige of politics. In a country as vast and diverse as India, the choice of a Prime Minister elected by the common people should not be reduced to baseless accusations and name-calling. Such discourse not only undermines the democratic process but also erodes the public's trust in political institutions.

Contradictions within Political Parties:

An alarming trend is observed within the opposition party, Congress, which consistently targets industrialist Gautam Adani by labeling him a pickpocket. Paradoxically, in Congress-ruled states, Chief Ministers engage in business agreements worth thousands of crores of rupees with Adani. This stark contradiction raises questions about the sincerity of political accusations during elections and the impact on the country's economic landscape.

Insulting Industrialists and Economic Impact:

The habit of insulting industrialists, as witnessed in the political narrative, particularly targets figures like Gautam Adani. Such rhetoric fails to acknowledge the significant contributions of small and large industrialists who have played a pivotal role in providing employment to millions of people across the country. The question arises: does Congress, in its blind opposition to Modi, unintentionally hinder the nation's developing economy by demeaning its industrialists?

Unfounded Criticism of the Prime Minister:

One of the most egregious examples of indecent language in political campaigns is the baseless criticism of the Prime Minister as an illiterate king. Despite being elected with an overwhelming majority, these derogatory remarks fail to recognize the Prime Minister's achievements in elevating the country's economy to four trillion dollars and striving for further progress. Such language not only undermines the leader but also detracts from constructive political discourse.

The Concluding Note:

The use of indecent language in political campaigns poses a significant threat to the foundations of Indian democracy. As politics becomes increasingly polarized and superficial, the focus shifts from substantive issues to personal attacks and baseless accusations. To safeguard the democratic process and restore public trust, it is imperative for political leaders to engage in respectful and constructive dialogue that prioritizes the nation's welfare over divisive tactics.


The view expressed herein are in the public Interest. Though every possible care has been taken by me in expressing my idea and that the same is not meant for hurting sentiment, emotion or feeling of any one. I tender unconditional apology in advance in case, someone's faith , sentiment or faith is hurt in any manner whatsoever.  

By: Ajay Amitabh Suman, 

Author, Blogger, Poet and IPR Attorney


Mob No: 9990389539

Friday, November 24, 2023

Deepfake Technology: Unveiling the Challenges and Urging Protective Measures


The rapid evolution of technology has propelled humanity into an era of unprecedented progress and connectivity. However, as with any double-edged sword, the impact of technological advancements depends largely on their application. Deepfake technology, a cutting-edge development in artificial intelligence, emerges as a formidable challenge in the contemporary landscape. This article delves into the intricate facets of this technology, exploring its implications on both public figures and the general populace.

The Rise of Deepfake Technology:

Deepfake technology has garnered significant attention, especially in recent times, due to the proliferation of manipulated videos featuring well-known personalities, notably actresses, on various social media platforms. The crux of the issue lies not only in the fact that these videos have been skillfully doctored using the faces of these actresses but, more alarmingly, in the compromising positions in which they are portrayed. The potential repercussions are profound, as the authenticity of these videos, if not promptly debunked, can cast a long shadow over the reputations of the individuals involved.

Beyond Celebrities: A Threat to Every Individual:

While the immediate victims of deepfake technology appear to be high-profile individuals, the threat extends far beyond the realm of celebrities. Ordinary individuals are equally susceptible to cybercriminals who exploit personal photos and videos to create falsified content, thereby tarnishing reputations and potentially causing irreparable damage. This technology, once seen as a tool to manipulate the famous, now poses a significant risk to the privacy and security of the general public.

Gender Neutrality of the Threat:

It is essential to recognize that the impact of deepfake technology transcends gender boundaries. While initial concerns may have focused on the potential harm to women, both girls and boys, men and women, are equally vulnerable. The danger lies in the indiscriminate use of this technology to fabricate content that can be damaging to individuals, regardless of their gender. Consequently, a comprehensive approach to addressing this challenge must be gender-neutral.

Solutions and Mitigation Strategies:

In navigating the treacherous waters of deepfake threats, individuals can adopt various preventive measures. Vigilance in online interactions, avoiding connections with unknown individuals, implementing stringent security measures on profiles and photos, and resisting the allure of online fame are all crucial steps in safeguarding personal digital identities. However, it is imperative to acknowledge the inherent risks of the internet, leading to the realization that complete safety is elusive.

The Call for Government Intervention:

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the suggestion to impose a ban on deepfake technology at the national level gains prominence. Advocates argue that such a ban, if enforced by the Central Government in India, could serve as a deterrent to the rise of cyber criminals engaging in malicious activities. By taking stringent measures against the misuse of deepfake technology, the government could play a pivotal role in ensuring the social security of its citizens.

The Concluding Note:

As society grapples with the implications of deepfake technology, a balanced and multifaceted approach becomes imperative. While individual responsibility and awareness are crucial, the role of government intervention cannot be overstated. Striking a harmonious balance between technological advancement and safeguarding societal well-being is the key to navigating the challenges posed by deepfake technology. Failure to address these issues promptly may lead to severe consequences, underscoring the urgency for collective action to protect the integrity and security of individuals in the digital age.


The view expressed herein are in the public Interest. Though every possible care has been taken by me in expressing my idea and that the same is not meant for hurting sentiment, emotion or feeling of any one. I tender unconditional apology in advance in case, someone's faith , sentiment or faith is hurt in any manner whatsoever.

By: Ajay Amitabh Suman,
Author, Blogger, Poet and IPR Attorney
Mob No: 9990389539

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A closer look at the Modern Age Web of Cyber Crime

A closer look at the Modern Age Web of Cyber Crime

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the surge in cyber crimes has become a pervasive concern, affecting individuals from all walks of life. A recent incident in my office shed light on the intricate web woven by cyber criminals, emphasizing the imperative need for heightened awareness and preventive measures.

The scenario unfolded with an unsuspecting office staff member who fell victim to a cyber fraud while engaging in online gaming. Initially enticed by lucrative returns, he invested a modest sum only to find himself ensnared in the manipulative tactics of cyber hackers. This incident serves as a stark example of the multifaceted challenges posed by contemporary cyber crimes.

Cyber crime encompasses a broad spectrum of illicit activities conducted through computers and networks. A common modus operandi involves the acquisition of personal information, which is then exploited for financial gain. The incident at my office underscores the susceptibility of individuals to exploitation due to factors such as immaturity, greed, and a lack of information.

Financial exploitation is just one facet of cyber crime; it manifests in various forms such as information stealing, erasing data, altering information, and even manipulating computer hardware. The arsenal of cyber criminals includes tactics like spam emails, hacking, and phishing, which can infiltrate computers and laptops, leaving victims vulnerable to identity theft and financial loss.

Importantly, cyber criminals are adept at targeting not only the unsuspecting but also educated and intelligent individuals. The allure of online gaming, tempting offers for personal loans, free credit cards, or high-interest schemes often act as bait, leading even the most discerning individuals into the trap.

To mitigate the risks associated with cyber crime, it is crucial for individuals to exercise caution and refrain from sharing sensitive information under the influence of enticing offers. The advice extends to refraining from divulging Aadhar card, PAN card, and bank details in response to seemingly attractive propositions.

As cyber criminals continually evolve their strategies, education and awareness emerge as powerful tools in the fight against cyber crime. Governments, businesses, and individuals must collaboratively work towards implementing robust cybersecurity measures, fostering a culture of digital literacy, and staying vigilant in the face of ever-evolving threats.

The incident at my office serves as a microcosm of the broader challenges posed by cyber crime in the modern age. By understanding the tactics employed by cyber criminals and adopting proactive measures, individuals can fortify themselves against the pervasive threat that lurks in the digital realm.


Information and discussion contained herein is being shared in the public Interest. The same should not be treated as substitute for expert advice as it is subject to my subjectivity and may contain human errors in perception, interpretation and presentation of the fact and issue involved herein.

Written By: Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman, 
IP Adjutor - Patent and Trademark Attorney
Mob No: 9990389539

Friday, November 17, 2023

A Commercial Court located in NCR, without a public Toilet facility

A Commercial Court located in NCR, without a public Toilet

In the bustling heart of the National Capital Region (NCR), where the air buzzed with the promises of justice and resolution, I found myself entangled in the intricate legal landscape of a trademark infringement case. The stage for this legal drama was set near Delhi, within the solemn walls of the Commercial Court.

As the clock struck 2 PM, signaling the scheduled commencement of proceedings, a craving for a quick lunch led me to the Court canteen. However, my anticipation gave way to surprise as I laid eyes on the weathered, red-colored building that housed the court. It appeared frozen in time, telling tales of history and legal disputes. To add to my bewilderment, there was no canteen in sight, leaving me to ponder the irony of a court without a place to break bread.

Undeterred, I retreated to the confines of my car, the only refuge available to satisfy my hunger. Little did I know that this was just the prologue to a series of unexpected twists that awaited me.

Upon reentering the court premises, I discovered that a lawyers' strike was in full swing. To my dismay, there had been no prior intimation, neither online nor offline, about this legal hiatus. Determined to forge ahead, I insisted on presenting my arguments. The Hon'ble Judge, acknowledging the peculiar circumstances, expressed his inability to issue any adverse orders due to the ongoing strike. To my surprise, he took it upon himself to draft the order right there in the courtroom, emphasizing the resilience and adaptability of the legal process.

However, my ultimate surprise awaited me post-proceedings. Inquiring about the location of a public toilet, I was met with perplexity as I realized that there was none to be found. A Commercial Court situated in the vibrant NCR, devoid of a basic public toilet facility, left me questioning the essence of such a fundamental amenity. It was a stark reminder of the disparities within the infrastructure supporting the legal system.

This unexpected journey through legal intricacies and the lack of basic facilities painted a vivid picture of contrasts within the Commercial Court's premises – a juxtaposition of the solemnity of legal proceedings and the absence of essential conveniences. As I left the red-colored building, I couldn't help but reflect on the symbiotic relationship between the pursuit of justice and the basic amenities that should accompany it, realizing that the quest for resolution extended beyond the courtroom walls into the everyday needs of those seeking justice.

Just Guess, where is it located and get surprised.


Information and discussion contained herein is being shared in the public Interest. The same should not be treated as substitute for expert advice as it is subject to my subjectivity and may contain human errors in perception, interpretation and presentation of the fact and issue involved herein.

Written By: Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman, 
IP Adjutor - Patent and Trademark Attorney
Mob No: 9990389539

Navigating the Digital Crossroads:OTT Content Regulation in India

Navigating the Digital Crossroads:OTT Content Regulation in India

In recent times, India has found itself at a pivotal juncture in the digital landscape, with a significant segment of its population, totaling a staggering 20 crore, calling for increased regulation of content on Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms. The surge in mobile and internet users has fueled the expansion of these platforms, triggering widespread debates that have reached the hallowed halls of the judiciary, from the High Courts to the Supreme Court.

Proponents of government intervention argue that it is imperative to regulate objectionable content on OTT platforms. With approximately 100,000 users and counting, these platforms have become a ubiquitous source of entertainment for a rapidly growing audience. The concerns raised by this segment of society echo in courtrooms across the nation, where cases have been registered to address the perceived menace of objectionable content.

Conversely, a vocal contingent within the Indian entertainment industry vehemently opposes such regulation. Critics argue that implementing laws to control content could have far-reaching consequences, potentially stifling creative freedom, hindering industry development, and perpetuating a patriarchal system of censorship. The industry's stakeholders contend that the proposed regulations are tantamount to censoring ideas and controlling expression, actions that run counter to the democratic values upon which the nation is built.

The ongoing discourse has become a battleground of ideas, with opinions on the impact of government scrutiny over OTT platforms remaining fiercely divided. Those within the film industry, in particular, lament what they perceive as a missed opportunity for liberalization. They argue that the proposed regulatory framework represents a step backward, away from embracing a more open and democratic approach to content creation and distribution.

Notably, the government had earlier issued guidelines for social media platforms, introducing codes of conduct and demanding the swift removal of objectionable content. In July, streaming services like Netflix were privately instructed to subject their content to independent review for obscenity and violence before being made available online. This move reflects the government's attempt to balance the need for regulation with the preservation of creative freedom.

Experts weigh in on the debate, suggesting that a balanced approach is essential to address the concerns of both proponents and opponents of content regulation. The clash of ideologies reflects the broader struggle between maintaining cultural values and fostering an environment conducive to innovation and artistic expression.

As the discourse on content regulation unfolds, India stands at a critical juncture, facing the challenge of finding a middle ground that safeguards societal values without compromising the dynamic and evolving nature of its digital landscape. The impact of government scrutiny on OTT platforms remains uncertain, with the nation watching closely as this complex and nuanced debate continues to unfold.

Information and discussion contained herein is being shared in the public Interest. The same should not be treated as substitute for expert advice as it is subject to my subjectivity and may contain human errors in perception, interpretation and presentation of the fact and issue involved herein.

Written By: Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman, 
Patent and Trademark Attorney
Mob No: 9990389539

Political Apathy and the Infiltration Dilemma: Unraveling the Complex Web

Political Apathy and the Infiltration Dilemma: Unraveling the Complex Web


The nation finds itself ensnared in a pressing predicament – a stark absence of political will in confronting the looming specter of infiltration. Despite infiltrators posing a palpable threat to the country's security, political parties often perceive them through the narrow lens of potential vote banks. This article delves into the intricacies of the infiltration dilemma, examining the nuances of political apathy and its consequences on national security.

Exploiting Sympathy for Political Ends:

In the contemporary landscape, elements in Western countries strategically leverage sympathy for Palestine to sow seeds of discord, shedding light on the urgency of acknowledging the severity of the infiltration problem. This not only emphasizes the geopolitical implications but also underscores the need for a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play.

Regional Challenges:

The challenges faced by both India and Bangladesh in formulating an effective solution to the predicament of Rohingya infiltrators add another layer to the complexity. Regional intricacies, historical factors, and geopolitical considerations intertwine in shaping the contours of this multifaceted issue, demanding a nuanced approach to resolution.

Human Rights Concerns and Systemic Corruption:

When discussions on solutions emerge, Western countries often pivot towards raising human rights concerns. However, this narrative takes a disconcerting turn when infiltrators possess valid identity cards such as Aadhaar and Voter ID. This revelation serves as a stark indictment of the corruption embedded within our system, underscoring the imperative role of political will in dismantling the structures that enable such fraudulent activities.

Festivals as Breeding Grounds for Infiltration:

The infiltration challenge escalates during festivals, a time when the administration is preoccupied with various responsibilities. This provides infiltrators with a window of opportunity to engage in illegal activities. Starting with the establishment of temporary shelters in border areas, their gradual encroachment into the interior parts of the country unveils a pattern that demands attention and strategic intervention.

The Call for Collective Action:

Addressing the infiltration dilemma requires a united front and a concerted effort to combat corruption. The crucial linchpin in this endeavor is a robust political will, one that transcends partisan interests and places national security at the forefront. Particularly poignant is the recognition of the profound impact of poverty on the nation, highlighting the interconnectedness of social and political challenges.

The Concluding Note:

In navigating the labyrinth of political apathy and the infiltration dilemma, it is imperative to recognize the interplay of regional, geopolitical, and systemic factors. Only through a comprehensive understanding and a collective commitment to robust political will can the nation hope to unravel this complex web, securing its borders and safeguarding its future.


Information and discussion contained herein is being shared in the public Interest. The same should not be treated as substitute for expert advice as it is subject to my subjectivity and may contain human errors in perception, interpretation and presentation of the fact and issue involved herein.

Written By: Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman, 
Patent and Trademark Attorney
Mob No: 9990389539

Curtailing Wasteful Expenditure in Politics: A Call for Responsible Governance

Curtailing Wasteful Expenditure in Politics: A Call for Responsible Governance

In the current political landscape, the utilization of government funds to sustain the lavish lifestyles of high-ranking leaders worldwide raises concerns about the compatibility of such practices with democratic principles. This issue is particularly evident in Indian politics, where a semblance of hypocrisy and ostentation threatens to overshadow genuine public welfare initiatives.

The need of the hour is a concerted effort by Indian politicians, IAS, and IFS officials to shed the inclination towards opulence and adopt a more austere approach to public service. The allure of foreign education, medical treatments abroad, imported cars, and foreign attire has permeated the mindset of those entrusted with public office. Despite professing a shared national identity, the actions of some leaders reflect a detachment from the grassroots values espoused by iconic figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, and Subhash Bose.

The present era is witnessing a surge in corrupt leaders who engage in double standards, ostensibly championing causes like anti-nepotism while perpetuating a culture of favoritism. Slogans like "Love for the Country" and "Make-in-India" appear hollow when contrasted with the extravagant lifestyles led by some in the political sphere.

A crucial step towards rectifying this imbalance is the imposition of stringent restrictions on foreign travel. Leaders and officials should be accountable for their actions, as squandering public funds on the maintenance and embellishment of private residences raises ethical questions. It is imperative for the public to actively voice their concerns and challenge the misuse of government treasury, thereby fostering accountability in the political sphere.

Boycotting corrupt leaders in the court of public opinion becomes a powerful tool to instigate change. By collectively rejecting those who exploit public resources for personal gain, citizens can play a pivotal role in reshaping the political landscape. The call for responsible governance should echo through the corridors of power, compelling leaders to prioritize the needs of the people over indulgent extravagance.

Curbing wasteful expenditure in politics requires a multifaceted approach encompassing ethical introspection by leaders, regulatory measures to restrict excesses, and active citizen participation to hold those in power accountable. Only through these collective efforts can a shift towards a more responsible and people-centric governance be realized.


Information and discussion contained herein is being shared in the public Interest. The same should not be treated as substitute for expert advice as it is subject to my subjectivity and may contain human errors in perception, interpretation and presentation of the fact and issue involved herein.

Written By: Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman, 
Patent and Trademark Attorney
Mob No: 9990389539

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Strategies for Sustainable Air Quality in NCR


Air pollution has emerged as a critical issue in many urban areas, with Delhi and its neighboring cities in the National Capital Region (NCR) facing severe challenges. The recent data indicating an Air Quality Index (AQI) above 400 in various areas raises significant concerns. In response, the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) has implemented the third stage of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP), reflecting the severity of the situation. This article aims to analyze the current state of air pollution in Delhi-NCR and propose comprehensive strategies for a sustainable solution.

Current Measures and Challenges:

The third stage of GRAP includes restrictions on non-essential construction-demolition activities and the ban on the use of coal in restaurants. Additionally, fines have been imposed for the use of specific vehicles with higher emission standards. Despite these measures, the recurring nature of pollution crises suggests that current efforts may not be sufficient or sustainable.

Analyzing the Problem:

Yearly Intervention vs. Permanent Solutions:

The yearly intervention by the Supreme Court points to a lack of permanent solutions. Efforts seem reactive, focusing on immediate concerns rather than addressing the root causes.

Artificial vs. Natural Remedies:

The current approach leans towards artificial solutions, such as restricting activities and imposing fines. However, the question arises: Why aren't natural resources, like oxygen, being explored as part of the solution?

Short-Term Measures vs. Long-Term Planning:

The emphasis on short-term measures like school closures and vehicle fines is crucial, but a sustainable solution demands long-term planning. This involves comprehensive urban planning, green infrastructure, and public awareness campaigns.

Comprehensive Strategies for Curbing Air Pollution:

Green Infrastructure:

Invest in green spaces, urban forests, and vertical gardens to enhance the city's lung capacity. Promote rooftop gardens and green building designs to mitigate pollution.

Promotion of Sustainable Transportation:

Encourage the use of public transportation, cycling, and electric vehicles. Invest in expanding and improving public transportation infrastructure to reduce reliance on private vehicles.

Strict Emission Standards and Enforcement:

Enforce stringent emission standards for industries and vehicles. Regular monitoring and strict penalties for non-compliance can deter polluting practices.

Investment in Renewable Energy:

Transition to renewable energy sources to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Incentivize businesses and households to adopt solar and wind energy.

Community Engagement and Awareness:

Launch comprehensive awareness campaigns to educate the public about the impact of individual actions on air quality. Encourage responsible waste disposal and reduced energy consumption.

Urban Planning and Zoning:

Implement effective urban planning and zoning regulations to control industrial emissions and prevent the concentration of polluting activities in specific areas.

Research and Innovation:

Allocate resources for research and innovation in air purification technologies. Explore natural methods, such as afforestation and biofiltration, to improve air quality.

The Concluding Note:

Addressing air pollution in Delhi-NCR requires a multifaceted and sustained effort. While immediate measures like GRAP are crucial, a comprehensive, long-term strategy is essential for lasting change. Balancing artificial interventions with natural solutions, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering community engagement can pave the way for a healthier and more sustainable future. It is imperative for all stakeholders, including government bodies, industries, and the public, to collaborate and work towards a permanent solution to the air pollution crisis.