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Monday, January 8, 2018

What You Say, Seldom You Should Do

What I say, and what I do?
Why do you ask, Why do you boo?

Having Seen , the worldly way,
I also act  as, this world do.

Fancied the river, without any swim.
And thought of Life, as per my whim.

When landed in life, found different taste,
My lesson and learning turned out a waste.

Leading the Life,by truthful Means,
The Idea was good but only in Dreams.

So acted opposite to, what I preach.
What telling the others, to learn then teach.

Though playing a trick, often I shy.
But Life demanding ,the cunning and Lie.

Now life has taught me , lesson this new. 
Whatever you say, Seldom you should do.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
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