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Monday, June 3, 2019

Why Samb kidnapped Lakshmana

 There are many unique stories mentioned in Mahabharata, which are little known. This story is also one of them. Howsoever strange it may sound but it is the truth that Samb (The son of Lord Krishna) kidnapped Lakshmana ( The daughter of Duryodhana). We have to understand as to how it happened. Why kidnapping is a recurring theme in Mahabharat. 
      Samb- (The son of Lord Krishna) was madly in love with (Lakshmana)- The daughter of Duryodgana. Samb was son of Lord Krishna and Jambwanti. Jambwanti was daughter of Jambwant who married Lord Krishna when Lord Krishna defeated Jambwant in a duel. Lakshmana was daughter if Duryodhana and Bhanumati.
   When the marriage ceremony of Abhimanyu and Uttara was going on, at that very much time Samb kidnapped Lakshmana. Duryodhana did not like Krishna and never wanted that his daughter Lakshmana to marry son of Krishna. He also attacked Samb. But because of Lord Balrama he had to agree for marriage. 
       It is very little known fact that prior to the Mahabharat War , Krishna and Duryodhana has already become closely related to each other as daughter of Duryodhana (i.e. Lakshmana) had become daughter in Law of Lord Krishna.
        It is a matter of surprise that how Samb could muster courage to kidnap a woman. This adventure traces its origin from the time of Dhrishrashtra Marriage.
      Bhishma Pitamah Kidnapped Amba, Ambika and Ambalika against their desire to marry his younger brother.
      Bhishma Pitamah iagain forced the Kandhar Kingdom to marry Gandhari to blind King Dhritrashra.
       The theme of kidnapping a women is the theme which has been repeated many times in Mahabharata. 
        Lord Krishna also Kidnapped Rukmini to marry her , inspite of strong resistance of her brother Rukmin.
        Arjun also kidnapped Subhadra (The sister of Lord Krishna) and married her. 
   Duryidhana himself also married Bhanumati after kidnapping her against her desire. 
      But there is huge difference between the kidnapping of Bhisma Pitamaha and Duryodhana at one hand the kidnapping of Lord Krishna and Arjuna on the other hand. 
  Bhisma Pitamaha and Duryidhana kidnapped the women against their desire, while Lord Krishna and Arjuna Kidnapped the women because Rukmini and Subhadra loved them.
  Perhaps Samb must have taken inspiration from his history. Lakshmana and Samb were in deep love with each other. Samb was aware that his father Lord Krishna himself kidnapped Rukmini who loved him. Samb was also aware that his father Lord Krishna helped Arjuna in kidnapping Subhdra. Hence Samb was certain in his mind that his father would not oppose his marrying Lakshmana , even he kidnap her. The reason for kidnapping Lakshmana was also become more evident that Duryodhan would never had acceded for marriage of his daughter with Samb. This is the reason why Samb kidnapped Lakshmana and married her.



This is a poem about a soul, who always tried to evade death by citing various reasons.Right from the time, soul entered the womb, the Lord of death kept on chasing the soul.At the time of birth, childhood, teenage, youth, married one, retired one , the old age,Death visited the soul , but each time the soul cited various excuses and prayed for some more time. However at the very end of his life, the soul realized this truth of life that there is no any end of desires. The Poem ends with this ultimate confession of Soul, that the same never want to die.


Limbs are yet to grow,
am just in the womb,
Eyes are, but without brow,
and heart is yet to pump.
O Death,you must be having ,
other things to occupy.

Am such a little kid, 
just attempting to walk,
still stutter in uttering, 
am striving to talk.
O Death, come later,
i won’t defy.


My friends are few ,
more have to be made,
Books are left unread,
 games are to be played.
O Death, hold on, 
not the time yet to reply.

Have fallen in love, 
with gorgeous wife,
Heart is singing and,
joy has come to life.
O Death, give me some time,
& I will comply.
Children, to be taken care of, 
elders to be protected,
Ethics in society shaken, 
needs to be corrected,
O Death, time is still not ripe,
to tell the life a good bye.


Though money I have made, 
but no time to spend,
Erred in life many times,
still left ways to amend.
O Death, time is still not ripe, 
please do not pry.


Yes my hairs have fallen,
and I have grown old,
But still Life is a mystery,
which I have to unfold.
O Death, come next time, 
I won’t deny.


The more I desire, the more I pray,
Lust turning hunter and me its prey,
Still frustrated, still un-sated
Craving for life, swinging midway .
O Death, the truth is that,
I do not want to die,I never want to die.



Lord Buddha revealed the ultimate wisdom to his disciple Mahakashyap in complete silence. This poem is based on this event,  highlighting this aspect that ultimate wisdom can be conveyed only in complete silence. One has to be capable enough to receive the message when An enlighten Master speaks through his silence.
Once Buddha came, with beautiful rose,
and sat under shadow of, tree he chose.
Then Looked at disciples, sitting around,
to listen the master and hear his sound.

Hours were passed, he didn't speak,
as if  ignorant to answers they seek.
Keeping the queries, their worries at bay.
Lord Buddha smiled , had nothing to say.

All gone tizzy had, questions to ask,
but questioning Buddha,a difficult task.
and master enjoying the ultimate bliss,
Looking at flower and resting in peace.

Though body still and not any sound,
mind was restless & running around.
Waited & waited they,sat on the ground,
All of a sudden one, laughter they found.

This was Mahakashyap,touching his feet,
O Master so humble ,so gentle so sweet.
Buddha behold  him with gentle gaze,
And gave him flower,removing his daze.

Destroyed illusion you, cleared my haze,
Disciple was singing,aloud in his praise. 
While sitting on ground and giving me rose,
O Buddha you flowed in my heart so close.

Shown me the horse & shown me to ride,
now nothing remaining, for you to guide.
If still to explain and, something to say,
One thing but certain,all  miss the way.

Revealed in silence that cannot be said,
wisdom through mouth seldom conveyed. 
If one is ready ,when  silence speaks,
Then truth is his , ignorance retreats. 




Diving I am deep into, ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here and nothing is hue & cry.

Heart my got broken ,  knavery when played they all.
I also did some trick, waggery did, made them fall.
Soul my knocks now, and making me feel shy.
Diving I am deep into, ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here, and nothing is hue & cry.

I was fragile , shaky, and suffering over last.
Used to compete with them, whosoever growing fast.
Now that fear is over,  seldom  now I vie.
Diving I am deep into, ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here, and nothing is hue & cry.

I let them laugh at me,  who having envious heart.
I let them mock at me,  am accepting odious tart.
Malice brings no peace in me,  not making such a try.
Diving I am deep into, ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here, and nothing is hue & cry.

Wrong which they done to me,  all have forgotten now,
Only thing which yearn now, help all but when and how.
In the land of hatred me,  sowing peace and multiply.
Diving I am deep into  ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here, and nothing is hue & cry.

Was bursting volcano then,  now flowing river is me ,
Heat of that summer over,  clouds pouring rains in me.
Dirt of soul gone now, bade the evil good bye.
Diving I am deep into, ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here, and nothing is hue & cry.

Venom of hatred receded,  jealously no bitterness,
Longing to assist someone, is there so eagerness.
Sipping now drop of love, peace in me glorify.
Diving I am deep into ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here, and nothing is hue & cry.

Light of wisdom arrived, Night of ignorance gone.
All my grief ended, joy in life has come.
Riding at the peak of virtue,  now I am flying high.
Diving I am deep into, ocean of bliss O' thy,
Now no conflict here, and nothing is hue & cry.

Now only truth here , no place for any lie.
Diving I am deep into  ocean of bliss O' thy.