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Monday, June 3, 2019


Lord Buddha revealed the ultimate wisdom to his disciple Mahakashyap in complete silence. This poem is based on this event,  highlighting this aspect that ultimate wisdom can be conveyed only in complete silence. One has to be capable enough to receive the message when An enlighten Master speaks through his silence.
Once Buddha came, with beautiful rose,
and sat under shadow of, tree he chose.
Then Looked at disciples, sitting around,
to listen the master and hear his sound.

Hours were passed, he didn't speak,
as if  ignorant to answers they seek.
Keeping the queries, their worries at bay.
Lord Buddha smiled , had nothing to say.

All gone tizzy had, questions to ask,
but questioning Buddha,a difficult task.
and master enjoying the ultimate bliss,
Looking at flower and resting in peace.

Though body still and not any sound,
mind was restless & running around.
Waited & waited they,sat on the ground,
All of a sudden one, laughter they found.

This was Mahakashyap,touching his feet,
O Master so humble ,so gentle so sweet.
Buddha behold  him with gentle gaze,
And gave him flower,removing his daze.

Destroyed illusion you, cleared my haze,
Disciple was singing,aloud in his praise. 
While sitting on ground and giving me rose,
O Buddha you flowed in my heart so close.

Shown me the horse & shown me to ride,
now nothing remaining, for you to guide.
If still to explain and, something to say,
One thing but certain,all  miss the way.

Revealed in silence that cannot be said,
wisdom through mouth seldom conveyed. 
If one is ready ,when  silence speaks,
Then truth is his , ignorance retreats. 


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