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Monday, July 4, 2022

Corporate Mantra from Politics


There is a similarity between the way politics and the corporate world work. Be it politics or corporate houses, the secret of the success of both is whether the people at the top are able to take everyone along with them or not?

For this it is necessary that the doors of the people at the top of the management should be open to those working with them.

One does not become great by being stubborn. Growth of an organization depends on whether an ordinary party worker can meet the top leaders without any hindrance or not?

If the Top leaders prefer to be surrounded by a select few like-minded people rather than those who work with him, then what can be the consequence of this, it is clearly evident from the events happening in politics today.

Inaccessibility to grass root level party members is fatal to any political party. If the top leaders are not open to their ground level workers, there is every possibility that the organization shall loose it's contact at ground level.

Accessibility and open ness to all the individual members is must for any political organization.

The same applies to corporate houses as well. In addition to listening to the members who are happy with the management , if they do not listen to those who raise the voice of resistance, then the interest of that future of that corporate house is not in good taste.

The strength of an organization depends on how capable it is to understand and mange the voice of discontent rising from within.

Secondly, the institution should never compromise on its basic ideological principles. The basis of every political party is some fundamental principle.

Every organization has some unique way of working. Every organization is different in its lo p goal and the methods adopted to achieve the goal.

Sometimes there are occasions when cooperation with parties who differ in principle proves to be of immediate benefit. But its far-reaching consequences always prove against the interests of the party.

The same applies to corporate houses as well. Each corporate house has its own unique way of working and its own fundamentals. Everyone has their own fundamental principles and ideological basis.

There is no use in finding new allies by compromising with one's own basic principles. Remember, these are the only ways of functioning on the basis of which the existence of an organization has remained for so long. Then the relations created by compromising on the basic doctrinal basis do not last long.

What else does the formation and disintegration of coalition governments in politics prove? After all, politics too has been run by individuals. For how many days can a car running on two different types of wheels last?

Next issue is managing the energy of young ones with experience of older ones. Every political party likes to promote the younger generation. But along with warm enthusiasm, the support of the older generation is also very necessary for success.

Just as it is necessary to take quick decisions according to the time,place and situation, sometimes long and serious thinking is needed before taking any step.

It is necessary for a weapon to be strong, but more importantly, how tight are the hands that are engaged in the detection of the target with the weapon?

And here it becomes necessary that those hands have faced such situations again and again or not? Do those hands have enough experience or not?

Neither any political party nor any corporate house can move forward without striking a balance between the experience of the old generation and the enthusiasm of the new generation.

It is often seen that in the intoxication of power, the leaders sitting at the top positions of the institution start imposing their decisions without taking the opinion of the members.

If decisions are to be imposed on the members, then a little bit of their participation is also very important.

If an organization expects dedication towards the work of the members, then the accountability of the organization should also be towards its worker.

And this cannot happen without involving its members in the decision-making process.

Remember, the success or failure of an organization depends on how much each member working in that organization is devoted to that organization?

And last but most importantly, avoid bigotry. Political bigotry not only gives rise to your new rivals, but also proves you to be arrogant somewhere.

The same applies to corporate houses as well. You don't grow up by speaking up against someone else or humiliating someone else.

It is better that instead of speaking big words, your actions should be your voice. After all ,person who delivers more that what he promises, do not fail anywhere, be it politics or corporate houses.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved

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