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Sunday, October 9, 2022

When in Pain, How to take God's Name?

This absolute essence is the cause of this existence, and it is only through it that supreme happiness may be realised. But what matters is how a man spends his life. 

Being part of this temporary existence, a man continues to plunge into the ocean of misery, yearning for pleasure from fleeting earthly goods. How can a person be aware of his true consciousness while living a blissless life, overcome by unmet desires?

The non-dualism-based Vedanta philosophy propagates the idea that this world is God's dream. According to Vedanta, the entire universe is nothing more than a manifestation in God's thought. This planet does not exist in the reality but it does appear in the tainted perception of human senses.

This has been described by using the example of a man who mistook a rope for a snake in the middle of the night. This universe does not exist, yet it appears to exist. This unreal has neither a beginning nor an end. It appears as a result of a man's corrupted perspective.

It does appear to exist because of ignorance. Hence no need to get panicked over the worldly problems. As the word is non existent, so as the problems appearing in this world. 

Why to bother about the cause and cure of the obstacles which appears to perturb the mind of a worldly man. It is better to ignore this world and rather focus on the unchanging and everlasting the truth. But Buddhist way of interpreting the worldly problem is different. 

The Buddha stated that asking the inquiry, "What is the explanation for this?" would be futile. No purpose is going to be served by pondering over as to Why , how and when did this suffering begin? 

When an arrow is struck at a man, no purpose is going to be served by asking the question as to what the reasons behind this are, what was the composition of this arrow. Rather, it is better to focus on how a man can be relieved of the problem.

On the other side, Vedanta explains that if there is no suffering, what can be done to alleviate it? Is it possible to treat someone in a dream? Nobody is dead, and no one is born again. Whatever is constantly changing cannot be called genuine.

The truth is always unaffected and pure. The fundamental power behind every variable, constant, transitory, undetectable, animal, bird, tree, plant, river, mountain, person, woman, and so on is the ultimate element's omnipresence.

A man's desire exists solely because of his ignorance. A man is in pain. A man experiences pain. A yogi of the highest understanding claims that the world, desire, and suffering do not exist. After all, what could the meaning of pain or gain be in a dream?

Only God is the ultimate truth that prevails over all, and this truth can be realized only if worldly people's attention is diverted from this dream-like world to the real truth, i.e., God.

However, when a man is involved in this worldly affair, tests of this way of knowing properly end in failures. A student getting ready for a competitive exam does not like to continue in this state of wisdom because it could lead to them failing the exam.

Why put forth the effort if this world is only a dream? Because he must contend with new competition every day, a businessman may find this wisdom to be a significant obstacle to realizing his success over his rivals.

If he remains in this state of a dreamlike world, his effort will also be dreamlike. Is it possible to see the ultimate unchanging God in someone who is chased and injured by a carnivorous animal?

To satisfy his appetite, a man must feed his body. When faced with real world challenges such as pain, hunger, thirst, and cutthroat competition, it would be extremely difficult to focus on God.

The thing is, when the challenges posed by this so-called dream-like world appear to be real, how do we develop the wisdom that this world is not real and the so-called everlasting consciousness or God is real? 

This is one of the fundamental challenges that a seeker of truth must overcome before he or she can dream of breaking free from a dream-like world. This may be one of the most difficult tasks for a truth seeker, but the task he has set himself is not easy either.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved

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