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Friday, April 7, 2023

If a Writer Writes Wrongly, he wrongs the history

One of my friend was sharing his experience as a Local Commissioner. Few days ago my friend was appointed as Local Commissioner by the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in a matter pertaining to Intellectual Property Right. He happened to visit a village in Haryana.

He further told me that at a Public Place , this quotation was mentioned:

"Ḍhol ganvār shūdra pashu nārī। sakal tāḍanā ke adhikārī"

[Drum, illiterate, Shudra , animal and  woman deserve Gross Chastisement]

My friend was further saying that at the bottom of the afore mentioned Quote , it mentioned, From Ramayan by Tulsidasa.

He said that though Tulsidasa spoken this quotes from the mouth of Sea God, still fact remains that People often misquote this statement.

The statement in question was a distorted version of a line from Tulsidasa's Ramayan. The original line was spoken by the Sea God, who warns Lord Ram that even the most marginalized individuals deserve respect and protection. However, the painted version of the statement was altered to suggest that certain groups, including women and individuals of lower castes, should be harshly punished.

This incident highlights the importance of accuracy and responsibility in writing. As my friend noted, writers must be aware that their words have the potential to shape societal beliefs and attitudes for centuries to come. If a writer propagates misinformation or bigotry, they are committing a crime against society.

Moreover, writers must ensure that their words are not taken out of context or distorted in a way that misrepresents their original meaning. The altered version of Tulsidasa's statement is a prime example of this issue. The original message of compassion and inclusivity was twisted into a call for violence and oppression.

It is imperative that writers take responsibility for the impact of their words. In a world where misinformation spreads rapidly through social media and other channels, it is more important than ever to ensure that information is accurate, balanced, and ethical.

The power of writing is undeniable, but so too is its responsibility. We must all do our part to ensure that the words we produce are used for good, not harm. By spreading accurate information, combating misinformation, and advocating for inclusivity and respect, we can help to create a better world through writing.

The Responsibility of write is much more. A Writer must realize that whatever they write or propagate , it is going to have lasting effect for centuries. It a writer writes some thing wrong, he is actually comitting a crime.

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