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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Honest and Concurrent Use

Honest and concurrent use

Judge to a Trademark Attorney: Can you give me best example of honest and concurrent use?

Trademark Attorney: Twin Sisters 

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
The Laughing Lawyer 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Senior Citizen

Senior Citizen

A lawyer in his late 50s , asked a young man to leave the seat , reserved for Senior Citizen 

Young Man:Sir, you are not Senior Citizen.

Lawyer: Look , I am Citizen of this Country, and Senior to you in age.

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
The Laughing Lawyer 

New Use of Known Substance

A Judge, watching a Patent attorney,  scratching his ear with his pen:

Judge: What is this Mr.Counsel?

Patent Attorney: New Use of known substance my Lord.

Judge, hitting the Patent Attierney head with his hammer: This is new use of known substance too, from my side.

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
The Laughing Lawyer

Monday, August 14, 2023

Caste Based Certificate or Poverty Based Certificate

The Interplay of Socio-Economic Status and Caste Identity: A Multi-Faceted Analysis


The aphorism "It is better to give a poor certificate than to give a caste certificate" encapsulates a complex intersection of socio-economic status and caste identity that is prevalent in many societies. This issue raises profound questions about the role of historical caste-based discrimination in shaping opportunities and social standings. While acknowledging the distinct nature of poverty and caste, it is crucial to examine how these factors interact in diverse ways.

Historical Significance of Caste-Based Discrimination:

Caste-based discrimination has historically been a potent determinant of an individual's opportunities and societal position. Embedded within social structures, it has perpetuated inequality by limiting access to education, employment, and other avenues for advancement. Discriminatory practices have hindered upward mobility, reinforcing caste-based divisions and contributing to the entrenchment of poverty within specific caste groups.

Decoupling Caste and Economic Status:

While caste and economic status are not synonymous, they often intersect in intricate ways. Caste-based discrimination can indeed impede economic progress by erecting barriers to socio-economic advancement. Nevertheless, poverty is not confined by caste boundaries, affecting individuals across all castes. This highlights the critical understanding that economic hardship transcends caste distinctions and affects various strata of society.

Legal Implications and Remedial Measures:

Addressing this multifaceted issue necessitates a comprehensive legal approach. A balanced framework should simultaneously combat caste-based discrimination and poverty, recognizing the nuanced interplay between the two. Anti-discrimination laws should be fortified to eradicate caste biases, and affirmative action policies can create pathways for marginalized communities. Additionally, social welfare programs must be inclusive, targeting both lower and higher castes grappling with economic adversity.

Towards an Equitable Society:

The ultimate aspiration is to forge a society where neither caste nor poverty predetermines an individual's prospects. Equal access to opportunities and resources is imperative to dismantle systemic barriers. Achieving this vision demands a holistic understanding of the complexities embedded within the socio-economic and caste dynamics. To this end, comprehensive educational initiatives and awareness campaigns can play a pivotal role in fostering empathy and dismantling stereotypes.


The statement "It is better to give a poor certificate than to give a caste certificate" underscores a profound dilemma entangled in the interplay of socio-economic status and caste identity. While caste-based discrimination has historically shaped opportunities and social standings, it is imperative to recognize that poverty transcends caste divisions. Legal and societal efforts must converge to create an equitable landscape, where each individual has an unimpeded pathway to success, irrespective of caste or economic circumstances. This multifaceted endeavor requires commitment, collaboration, and a profound dedication to social justice.


Information and discussion contained herein is being shared in the public Interest. The same should not be treated as substitute for expert advice as it is subject to my subjectivity and may contain human errors in perception, interpretation and presentation of the fact and issue involved herein.

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
Patent and Trademark Attorney

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Cooling Technology

A Judge , while hearing argument in a Patent related case pertaining to Cooling Technology.

Mr. Counsel , my head is getting heated up in understanding this cooling Technology.

My Lord , it happens with AC too. While cooling down the temperature, AC too releases heated gas in the air. This is natural side effect of cooling Technology.

Mr . Counsel, then your Client's alleged invention does not qualify to be a Patent as the same lacks any inventive feature over the prior art.

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
The Laughing Lawyer

Cooling Technology #TheLaughingLawyer #LegalJokes #LegalFunnyQuotes #CourtRoomFun #CourtRoomDrama #JudgeAndLawyer #CourtRoomJokes #LawyerAndJudgeFun #Lawyerjokes #LegalHumour #Advocate_Ajay_Amitabh_Suman

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The need of Training for Politicians

Reassessing the Role of Training for Politicians: Implications for Democracy and Governance


The world of politics is a unique arena where power, decisions, and governance converge. Unlike most other professions, the role of a politician often lacks the stringent training and preparation that is customary in other fields. This article aims to delve into the question of whether politicians should undergo formal training before assuming office, considering the potential implications for democracy, governance, and the overall stability of a nation.

 Training and Expertise in Other Professions:

In many professions, individuals are required to undergo rigorous training and acquire specialized knowledge before they can take on responsibilities. Judges, for instance, undergo a period of apprenticeship, shadowing senior judges and familiarizing themselves with court proceedings before they begin presiding over cases independently. This also holds true for various other roles such as teachers, doctors, engineers, and even positions as seemingly basic as peons. The necessity of such training ensures a certain level of competence and expertise before an individual assumes a crucial role.

The Unique Nature of Political Leadership:

Unlike other professions, the role of a politician carries immense responsibility as it involves making decisions that impact the lives of countless citizens. Political decisions affect economies, social systems, and international relations, making the need for competence and expertise even more paramount. Critics argue that the lack of training for politicians can lead to ill-informed decisions, detrimental policies, and potential mismanagement of key sectors, thereby endangering the stability and progress of a nation.

The Consequences of Untrained Politicians:

The argument against untrained politicians gaining key portfolios, such as the Railway Ministry, rests on the notion that without proper understanding and knowledge of the sector, the politician might struggle to make informed decisions. Inaccurate policies and mismanagement can lead to inefficiencies, budgetary concerns, and even safety hazards. This is particularly concerning in democratic systems, where the choices made by politicians can have far-reaching implications on the lives of citizens.

Balancing Democracy and Expertise:

While formal training for politicians may seem like a logical step to ensure effective governance, it raises questions about the very nature of democracy. One of the fundamental tenets of democracy is that it allows citizens to elect their representatives based on popular support, reflecting the will of the people. Introducing mandatory training for politicians might potentially limit this democratic process by creating barriers for individuals who lack formal education or resources.

Proposed Solutions and Alternatives:

A middle-ground solution could involve establishing a comprehensive program that offers training for politicians while preserving democratic principles. This program could offer modules on governance, economics, law, and other pertinent subjects, allowing aspiring politicians to gain a basic understanding of the complexities of the roles they are seeking. Additionally, mentorship programs, where experienced politicians guide and mentor newcomers, could help bridge the knowledge gap.

The Concluding Note:

The question of whether politicians should undergo formal training is a complex and multifaceted issue. While the absence of training for politicians may pose risks to effective governance, any solution must carefully balance the need for expertise with the principles of democracy. As societies evolve and the challenges of governance become more intricate, it is worth contemplating whether a system that combines training and mentorship could lead to more informed, capable, and accountable political leadership without compromising the essence of democratic representation.


Information and discussion contained herein is being shared in the public Interest. The same should not be treated as substitute for expert advice as it is subject to my subjectivity and may contain human errors in perception, interpretation and presentation of the fact and issue  involved herein.

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
Patent and Trademark Attorney

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Noise pollution in the name of religious practices

Striking a Balance: The Need for Legislation on Noise Pollution from Religious Practices


The freedom to practice one's faith is a fundamental human right, and it should be respected and protected. However, there is an ongoing concern regarding the excessive noise pollution caused by certain religious practices that disrupt the harmony of society and pose a threat to the environment. This article analyzes the need for legislation to address noise pollution arising from religious practices while preserving the right to religious freedom.

The Essence of Religious Faith:

Religious faith is deeply personal and spiritual for individuals. It should be cherished as a fundamental aspect of life, allowing believers to find solace, meaning, and connection to a higher power. The freedom to practice one's religion should be upheld with utmost respect.

Noise Pollution: A Societal and Environmental Discomfort:

The exuberance and enthusiasm of religious celebrations often lead to noise pollution in the form of loudspeakers, musical instruments, and other activities. While these rituals hold cultural significance, they can disrupt public tranquility, create discomfort among non-participants, and harm the environment.

Balancing Religious Freedom and Societal Harmony:

Finding a balance between religious freedom and the rights of other individuals and society as a whole is crucial. This calls for the establishment of laws that allow the unhindered practice of faith while regulating the extent of noise pollution generated during religious events.

The Absence of Specific Legislation:

At present, most jurisdictions lack explicit laws addressing noise pollution from religious practices. Existing laws may cover general noise regulations, but they often fail to specifically address the unique challenges posed by religious activities.

Need for Specific Legislation:

Given the increase in religious gatherings and their potential impact on noise pollution, it is imperative to enact legislation dedicated to managing and controlling noise levels during religious events. Such legislation should take into account the cultural and religious sensitivities while also respecting the rights of non-participants.

Defining Permissible Noise Levels:

The legislation should establish clear and measurable guidelines for acceptable noise levels during religious gatherings. These levels should be determined through collaboration between religious groups, environmental experts, and relevant authorities.

Designated Worship Zones:

Creating designated areas for religious worship and celebrations can minimize the impact on surrounding neighborhoods. These zones could be selected based on the population density and proximity to sensitive locations like hospitals and schools.

Promoting Modern Technology:

Encouraging religious institutions to utilize modern technology, such as noise-limiting devices and amplification systems, can significantly reduce noise pollution while preserving the essence of religious practices.

The Concluding Note:

In conclusion, the right to practice one's faith is essential, but it should not impinge upon the comfort and well-being of society or damage the environment. As religious practices evolve in modern times, it is vital to establish specific legislation on noise pollution arising from religious events. Such laws should strike a balance between preserving religious freedom and ensuring societal and environmental harmony, fostering mutual respect and understanding among all members of society.


Information contained herein is being shared in the public Interest. The same should not be treated as substitute for legal advice as it is subject to my subjectivity and may contain human errors in perception, interpretation and presentation of the facts and law involved herein.

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
Patent and Trademark Attorney

Saturday, August 5, 2023



Senior Advocate to his Junior: 
Why clerk is not following your instruction? 

Is there any animosity between two of you?

Junior: Sir, its not because of any animosity between us. 

Its because of your too much affection towards him.

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
The Laughing Lawyer

Animosity #TheLaughingLawyer #LegalJokes #LegalFunnyQuotes #CourtRoomFun #CourtRoomDrama #JudgeAndLawyer #CourtRoomJokes #LawyerAndJudgeFun #Lawyerjokes  #LegalHumouhhr #Advocate_Ajay_Amitabh_Suman

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Promise of a lawyer: A Journey of Compassion and Commitment

In the  chambers of the High Court, a fateful encounter took place that would forever change the life of one man. Today, among the sea of lawyers and dignitaries, a familiar face caught the eye of a curious onlooker. It was the face of a dear friend, but one transformed by an unexpected sartorial choice – he stood tall, donning a traditional dhoti and a dignified coat, a stark departure from his usual legal attire.

The reunion was a joyous one, as they hadn't seen each other in what felt like an eternity. Intrigued by the radical change in his friend's appearance, the curious observer inquired about the reason behind this transformation. His friend's response was both poignant and profound.

He revealed that he had achieved considerable success as an advocate, earning a substantial amount of money throughout his career. Yet, despite his achievements, he found himself yearning for something more, something intangible – inner peace.

It was during one of his cases that he had to travel to a remote village. There, he witnessed the grim realities of life in an underprivileged area – a village devoid of proper medical facilities, where many lives were lost untimely due to the lack of a hospital. The sight that shook him to his core was that of an elderly woman who had suffered unimaginable losses. The cruel clutches of the pandemic had snatched away her son, daughter-in-law, and her only grandson. Her husband had already passed away, leaving her utterly bereft.

This heart-wrenching encounter left an indelible mark on his soul, and he knew that he couldn't stand idle in the face of such suffering. Driven by a newfound purpose, he made a solemn promise to himself and to the old lady – he vowed to build a hospital in that very area, to bring hope and healing to the lives of countless villagers.

The turning point in his life came when he visited a temple and sought guidance from the divine. It was there that he pledged his commitment to the cause, and from that moment on, he resolved to wear the dhoti and coat as a reminder of his promise. The simple attire symbolized his unbreakable bond to the promise he made to the old lady.

Reflecting on his journey as an advocate, he realized that the principles he had learned in the world of law were deeply intertwined with the values of empathy, compassion, and responsibility. If he could remember every detail of his promises to clients in the legal realm, how could he forget a promise so close to his heart, a promise that held the potential to change lives?

From that day forth, he embraced his new form, the dhoti and coat serving as a constant reminder of the commitment he made to the villagers, the old lady, and himself. His mission became a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of compassion and the potential to make a difference beyond the confines of the courtroom.

And so, the man who once wore the robes of an advocate found a higher calling, donning the dhoti and coat as symbols of a deeper purpose. With unwavering determination, he set forth on a journey to build a hospital, healing not just bodies but also hearts, guided by the virtues he learned through his career in advocacy – justice, integrity, and the profound impact of keeping one's word.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Identity-Based Prejudice in the Legal Profession


In today's diverse and interconnected world, it is essential for society to promote inclusivity and understanding among different cultural and religious groups. Unfortunately, prejudices based on identity continue to persist, even within professional settings such as the legal profession. This article presents a case study of a surprising encounter during a High Court matter, where an innocuous introduction took an unexpected turn due to identity-based sarcasm. This incident raises important questions about the prevalence of such prejudices in the legal community and their potential impact on justice and equality.

Setting the Scene

The author of this article recounts a visit to the High Court to attend a legal matter with a close Muslim advocate friend. During this visit, they had the chance to meet a Hindu advocate friend. As introductions were made, a seemingly harmless question turned the conversation uncomfortable. The Hindu advocate asked the Muslim advocate, "Are you from Jammu and Kashmir?" The author was taken aback by the sarcastic tone in which the question was asked, indicating that the reference to the disputed region was meant to be derogatory.

Identity-Based Prejudice in the Legal Profession

The incident highlights the presence of identity-based prejudice within the legal profession, where advocates, who are expected to uphold justice and equality, might still harbor biased views. Such prejudices can manifest in various ways, including subtle comments, microaggressions, or even outright discriminatory actions.

One potential explanation for this prejudice could be historical and political narratives that have influenced public opinion and perception about certain regions or religious groups. Jammu and Kashmir, for instance, has been a subject of complex geopolitical issues and territorial disputes, leading to heightened tensions and negative stereotypes. As a result, these perceptions might seep into the professional lives of individuals, including those in the legal community.

Impact on Professional Relationships and Justice

Prejudices, even when seemingly subtle, can have profound implications for professional relationships and justice delivery. In this case study, the sarcastic question may have caused discomfort and strained the camaraderie between the Muslim and Hindu advocate friends. Trust and mutual respect are fundamental in the legal profession, and such incidents can erode these essential values.

Moreover, identity-based prejudices can potentially affect the handling of cases involving individuals from the marginalized or minority communities. Advocates' biases might inadvertently influence the quality of representation provided, leading to an unequal and unjust legal process.

Addressing Identity-Based Prejudices

Creating a more inclusive and tolerant legal profession requires concerted efforts from various stakeholders. Law firms and legal institutions should invest in diversity and sensitivity training, encouraging open dialogues about identity-based prejudices. These discussions can raise awareness and foster empathy among legal professionals, helping them recognize and challenge their own biases.

Professional associations should also play an active role in promoting diversity and inclusion within the legal community. By setting standards and guidelines that prioritize inclusivity, these organizations can create a more welcoming environment for advocates from all backgrounds.


The incident described in this case study provides an opportunity to reflect on the presence of identity-based prejudices within the legal profession. While the legal system strives to deliver justice impartially, individual biases can undermine this noble goal. By acknowledging and addressing such prejudices, the legal community can take significant steps towards creating a more equitable and fair society. Promoting dialogue, empathy, and awareness will be crucial in building a legal profession that truly represents the principles of justice and equality for all.

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman