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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Identity-Based Prejudice in the Legal Profession


In today's diverse and interconnected world, it is essential for society to promote inclusivity and understanding among different cultural and religious groups. Unfortunately, prejudices based on identity continue to persist, even within professional settings such as the legal profession. This article presents a case study of a surprising encounter during a High Court matter, where an innocuous introduction took an unexpected turn due to identity-based sarcasm. This incident raises important questions about the prevalence of such prejudices in the legal community and their potential impact on justice and equality.

Setting the Scene

The author of this article recounts a visit to the High Court to attend a legal matter with a close Muslim advocate friend. During this visit, they had the chance to meet a Hindu advocate friend. As introductions were made, a seemingly harmless question turned the conversation uncomfortable. The Hindu advocate asked the Muslim advocate, "Are you from Jammu and Kashmir?" The author was taken aback by the sarcastic tone in which the question was asked, indicating that the reference to the disputed region was meant to be derogatory.

Identity-Based Prejudice in the Legal Profession

The incident highlights the presence of identity-based prejudice within the legal profession, where advocates, who are expected to uphold justice and equality, might still harbor biased views. Such prejudices can manifest in various ways, including subtle comments, microaggressions, or even outright discriminatory actions.

One potential explanation for this prejudice could be historical and political narratives that have influenced public opinion and perception about certain regions or religious groups. Jammu and Kashmir, for instance, has been a subject of complex geopolitical issues and territorial disputes, leading to heightened tensions and negative stereotypes. As a result, these perceptions might seep into the professional lives of individuals, including those in the legal community.

Impact on Professional Relationships and Justice

Prejudices, even when seemingly subtle, can have profound implications for professional relationships and justice delivery. In this case study, the sarcastic question may have caused discomfort and strained the camaraderie between the Muslim and Hindu advocate friends. Trust and mutual respect are fundamental in the legal profession, and such incidents can erode these essential values.

Moreover, identity-based prejudices can potentially affect the handling of cases involving individuals from the marginalized or minority communities. Advocates' biases might inadvertently influence the quality of representation provided, leading to an unequal and unjust legal process.

Addressing Identity-Based Prejudices

Creating a more inclusive and tolerant legal profession requires concerted efforts from various stakeholders. Law firms and legal institutions should invest in diversity and sensitivity training, encouraging open dialogues about identity-based prejudices. These discussions can raise awareness and foster empathy among legal professionals, helping them recognize and challenge their own biases.

Professional associations should also play an active role in promoting diversity and inclusion within the legal community. By setting standards and guidelines that prioritize inclusivity, these organizations can create a more welcoming environment for advocates from all backgrounds.


The incident described in this case study provides an opportunity to reflect on the presence of identity-based prejudices within the legal profession. While the legal system strives to deliver justice impartially, individual biases can undermine this noble goal. By acknowledging and addressing such prejudices, the legal community can take significant steps towards creating a more equitable and fair society. Promoting dialogue, empathy, and awareness will be crucial in building a legal profession that truly represents the principles of justice and equality for all.

Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman

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