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Sunday, September 18, 2022

No one can disturb you

One office assistant was busy carrying his file and putting it in the right place. He was trying to accomplish his task as soon as possible.
He was very enthusiastic and always propmpt in discharching his task. But there is thin but a very huge difference in discharging one's task promptly and finishing the task perfectly.
It has always been seen that the one, who prefers to accomplish his job quickly, always commits few mistakes. In order to finish the job quickly , it is highly probable that few mistakes may crop in.
It has rarely been seen that a work done in a hasty manner, comes out flawless. It is very rare combination that one who does his work hastily, is not prone to mistakes.
That office assistant was also not exception to this. His nature of performing his taks quickly aften results in silly mistakes.
This was but natural that his colleagues would envy with him. It happened many times that he used to finish the tasks, which normally require two office assistants to finish the job.
And what could be natural result of this. Off course jealously and inferiority complex amongst his colleagues.
His colleagues often used to taunt him and he often used to retaliate. His colleagues were busy in pointing out his silly mistakes and in the reply, he used to laugh at them at their slow pace of discharching their job.
But thing is that one strong man can not fight together with many weak persons. One man can not prevail upon others person if they come together.
In this office game of criticism and counter criticism, that office assistant alwyas found himself to be lone ranger. No one used to support him.
One day he was sitting in depressed mood. As usual ,his colleagues have left his calm unsettled by hurling at him lots of taunt and naughty remarks.
The Senior officer was observing him from distance. He tried to console him. That office assistant asked as to why no body likes him? He never thought any thing ill against any body. Still most of colleagues are busy laughing at him. What could be remedy of that?
The office answered: look , you give them an opportunity to others for this. All of your colleagues are not as efficient as you are, so this is but natural that they do not like you.
They are suffering from inferiority complex. This is but natural that they will taunt you. Important thing is this that how you are handling this situation.
You are disturbed not because of them, but because you have given them an opportunity to disturb you.
And remedy is simple, very simple. Stop reacting to their comment. Just be indifferent towards their taunt. Do not react.
If you stop reacting to their comment,for 
how long they can continue with their misbehaviour? 
After all there is limit of every thing. Why you are making your self slaves to their comments. Instead of utilizing you energy on reacting to their taunt, it would be better if you focuss on correcting your mistakes.
He patted on the shoulder of that office assistant and left the office. The office assistant was watching him leaving the office, with thankful eyes. After all the lesson of life he had learnt.

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