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Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Right to Free Speech can not grant right to the Citizen , the right of hate Speech.

The right to free speech is a fundamental right that is enshrined in most democratic societies around the world. It is a right that enables individuals to express their opinions, ideas, and beliefs without fear of censorship or retribution. However, the right to free speech is not an absolute right and is subject to reasonable restrictions, especially when it comes to hate speech.

Last Tuesday, the Supreme Court of India made a significant statement regarding hate speech. The court declared that the maintenance of communal harmony in the country is a fundamental requirement, and therefore, it is essential to avoid hate speeches.

Hate speech is a type of speech that promotes or encourages hatred, discrimination, or violence against individuals or groups based on their race, religion, nationality, gender, or other personal characteristics. Hate speech is a severe violation of human rights, as it can cause harm, fear, and division in society.

The Supreme Court's statement is a welcome move, as hate speech has become a growing concern in India. In recent years, there has been a significant rise in hate speech, particularly on social media platforms. This kind of speech not only incites violence but also polarizes society by creating a divide between communities.

Hate speech has no place in a democratic society that values diversity, inclusion, and equality. It creates a hostile environment for individuals who belong to marginalized communities and can lead to increased prejudice and discrimination. Hate speech can also lead to physical violence and harm, as it can incite individuals to commit acts of violence against others.

The court knows  the impact of words on people's lives. Words have the power to heal, inspire, and unite people, but they can also divide and hurt. Hate speech is a form of violence, as it can cause emotional and psychological harm to individuals and communities. Moreover, hate speech can lead to physical violence, which can cause injuries and even death.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) recognizes this and provides for the restriction of freedom of expression when it is necessary to protect the rights and freedoms of others.

Furthermore, hate speech is not protected under the right to free speech. The ICCPR recognizes that hate speech is a form of speech that is not protected under the right to free speech. It states that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law."

In India, hate speech is prohibited under various laws, including the Indian Penal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code, and the Information Technology Act. These laws aim to prevent hate speech and protect the rights and freedoms of individuals who belong to marginalized communities.

The Supreme Court's comment is also significant in the current political climate, where there is a growing polarization between different communities. Hate speech is often used as a tool by politicians to gain support from their respective communities, leading to further division and tension.

The court emphasizes the importance of promoting communal harmony in the country. Communal harmony refers to the peaceful coexistence of different communities, with mutual respect and understanding for each other's beliefs and practices. Communal harmony is essential for the development and progress of a society, as it creates a conducive environment for individuals to live and work.

Hate speech infringes upon the rights and freedoms of others and can lead to violence and harm. The right to free speech is subject to reasonable restrictions that protect the rights and freedoms of others.

The Court's remark on hate speech is not just a reminder to individuals but also to the government and law enforcement agencies. The government has a duty to protect its citizens from hate speech, and law enforcement agencies must take strict action against those who propagate hate speech.

However, it is important to note that the right to free speech is a fundamental right in India. The Constitution of India guarantees the right to freedom of speech and expression, subject to reasonable restrictions. Therefore, the government and law enforcement agencies must balance the right to free speech with the need to prevent hate speech.

Hate speech infringes upon the rights and freedoms of others and can lead to violence and harm. The right to free speech is subject to reasonable restrictions that protect the rights and freedoms of others.

This opinion on hate speech is a step towards promoting communal harmony and ensuring that individuals and communities are not harmed by hate speech. It is crucial for individuals, the government, and law enforcement agencies to take this statement seriously and work towards creating a society that respects diversity and promotes unity. By doing so, we can ensure that India remains a country that values peace, harmony, and progress.

The Digital Mosquitos:The Unsolicited Calls

Last Friday, I was returning to his office after finishing my matters in Delhi High Court. I felt relieved as the case I had been working on for months had finally come to an end. 

As I was walking towards his office, he noticed a crowd of my friends standing in front of a TV screen, watching the news. Curious, I went over to see what was going on.

As I approached, I saw that everyone was talking about Rahul Gandhi, who had apparently been removed from his position as a member of parliament. I was surprised to hear this news, as I had not been following politics closely. 

However, before I could join in the conversation, I was interrupted by a young lady who introduced herself as a social reformer. She claimed to be working for the welfare of blind people and was asking for donations.

I wasn't interested in donating at first, but the young lady was persistent, and I eventually gave in and donated a small amount through PAYTM. I forgot about the incident soon after and continued with my work at the office.

However, my peace was soon disrupted as I began receiving several unsolicited calls and messages from unknown people asking for donations.

I would receive at least 5-6 such calls daily, and they would disturb me even during my arguments in court. The constant ringing of my phone felt like the buzzing of mosquitoes, and I found it difficult to concentrate on my work.

I soon realized that the social reformer I had donated to had likely given my phone number to other organizations or individuals looking for donations.

I felt frustrated and annoyed that my privacy had been violated in this way. I tried to block the numbers, but new ones kept appearing, and I couldn't seem to get rid of them.

As the days went by, I became increasingly irritated by the constant calls and messages. I found it hard to focus on my work and began to feel like I was being harassed.

 I tried to take legal action against the organizations that were contacting me, but it proved to be a difficult and time-consuming process.

Finally, I researched ways to prevent unsolicited calls and messages and came across a few helpful tips.  

I also installed a call blocker app on my phone, which allowed me to block specific numbers and even entire area codes. These helped to reduce the number of unwanted calls I received.

With these measures in place, I was finally able to get some peace and quiet. I no longer felt like I was being bombarded by digital mosquitoes, and I could focus on my work without any distractions.

Now  I was at ease to have found a solution to my problem and vowed to be more careful in the future when donating to charitable organizations.

If educated Person like us will not raise a fingure, then who will?

I happen to visit my relative's house in a small town for a family function. It was a Mundan ceremony of his newborn son. I had heard about this ceremony, which signifies the new life of a child, but I had never attended one before. I was curious to know more about this ritual and the significance it held in the lives of people.

As I entered the house, I saw that it was beautifully decorated with flowers and lights. The room was filled with the fragrance of incense sticks, and I could hear the old ladies singing the auspicious songs. They all wore traditional dresses, and their faces glowed with joy and excitement.

My friend greeted me with a smile and introduced me to his wife and their newborn son. The baby looked adorable in his tiny clothes, and I couldn't help but smile at him. My friend then explained to me the significance of the Mundan ceremony and how it was supposed to be a milestone in his son's life.

He told me that shaving the head of a newborn child was considered auspicious in their culture. It was believed to be a way of getting rid of the negative energies and promoting good health and fortune. He also mentioned that the ceremony was a way of introducing the child to the family and friends and seeking their blessings.

As we were talking, an elderly lady entered the room, and my friend introduced her as his grandmother. She was the eldest member of the family and was responsible for conducting the ceremony. She began instructing my friend and his wife about the procedure of the ceremony, and I could see how excited and happy they were.

A small pire was lit in the center of the room, and the smoke started spreading all around. The baby started crying, and my friend's wife became anxious. However, in the name of tradition, they were asked to continue with the ceremony, and the child was given a small shave on his head.

I was shocked to see how the baby was made to suffer in the name of customs and traditions. I couldn't bear to see the little one crying, and I immediately went to my friend and asked him why he was keeping his son weeping. I explained to him that this practice was outdated and could harm the child's well-being.

He looked at me with a confused expression, and I could see that he was torn between his beliefs and his child's comfort. I explained to him that we should follow traditions, but not at the cost of someone's pain and suffering. I told him that education had taught us to think critically and not blindly follow customs.

My words struck a chord with him, and he realized that he had been wrong. He apologized to his wife and child and promised to make things better. He thanked me for opening his eyes and making him realize the importance of being responsible and conscious towards their child's well-being.

The ceremony ended with a small feast, and everyone blessed the child. I could see that my friend and his wife were relieved and happy, and the baby had stopped crying. As I was leaving, my friend came up to me and thanked me once again. He told me that he had learned a valuable lesson and that he would make sure that his child's well-being was always his top priority.

I left his house with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that I had made a small but significant contribution to someone's life. I realized that traditions and customs were an essential part of our culture, but we should never forget to evaluate them critically and be responsible towards our actions.

If you yearn, he will make you learn

Success is a term that everyone wants to achieve in their life. It can be in any field, be it personal or professional. However, the journey towards success is not always easy, and it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and most importantly, self-belief. Sometimes, even after putting in all the efforts, we fail to achieve what we desire, and that's when we start doubting ourselves.

If you are in a similar situation and not getting success in your life, it means certainly there is some lacuna in you yearning. The first thing you need to do is to identify what's lacking and work on it. It can be your skills, your mindset, your approach towards your goals, or any other factor that's hindering your progress.

The most crucial factor that determines your success is your desire to achieve it. If you desire strong enough, nobody can stop you from learning. Your desire will fuel your efforts and push you to work harder towards your goals. It will keep you motivated even when the going gets tough.

Let's take some examples from history to understand this better. Eklavya, a character from the epic Mahabharata, is a great inspiration to all those who believe in themselves. When Dronacharya refused to teach him archery because he belonged to a lower caste, Eklavya didn't give up on his dream. He built a statue of Dronacharya and started practicing archery in front of it. His determination was so strong that he became a skilled archer without any formal training.

Another example is Maharshi Ramanna, who realized God himself. He spent years meditating and contemplating, and his desire to know the truth was so strong that he finally achieved enlightenment. Similarly, Karna, a character from the epic Mahabharata, desired strong enough to become the greatest archer. He even became a disciple of Lord Parashurama and learned the art of archery from him.

Jagadish Chandra Bose is yet another inspiring personality who proved life in Plant himself. He was a scientist who conducted several experiments to prove that plants have life. His desire to know the truth was so strong that he didn't stop until he achieved his goal.

These examples show that if you desire strong enough, you can achieve anything in life. Your determination, hard work, and self-belief are the key ingredients for success. It doesn't matter if you come from a humble background, face challenges, or lack resources. If your desire is strong, nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams.

If you are not getting success in your life, it's time to introspect and identify what's lacking. Once you know what's holding you back, work on it with all your heart and soul. Believe in yourself, have a strong desire to achieve your goals, and don't give up until you succeed. Remember, success is not a destination; it's a journey, and it's up to you to make it a beautiful one.

Why to Wail, When Gurus Fail

 Why to get disturbed when Guru goes wrong. After all Guru is not the Goal. It means to say that Guru is helpful in the path of God-realization, not the destination. There is only a means in the worship of a seeker, not an end. Sometimes God tests the seeker by sending him to wrong gurus. If Asaram, Ram Rahim, Guru Rampal, Nityanand etc have done wrong things, then they are also facing the consequences.

These gurus always talked about truthful conduct, celibacy, honest service. However, he himself could not follow those ideals in his life. So what? What stops you from following the ideals told by him. It is not necessary that the coach should also be the best to produce the best players. Most of the best coaches have been ordinary players. Like a flamingo, a man should drink only the lotus flower of spirituality that came out of the mouth of these so-called religious leaders, not the mire of their downtrodden character.

God does not become wrong if the Guru is wrong. The destination does not change if the path is wrong. Man has always been free to change course. The wrong teacher is just a test being taken by God on you. If your faith does not waver, you will definitely reach your destination. It is not necessary for the teacher to be right, but it is very important for the disciple to remain right.

The relationship between a guru and their disciple is one of the most sacred relationships in the spiritual realm. The guru is seen as a guide, a mentor, and a source of wisdom for the seeker on the path to God-realization. However, as humans, even gurus are prone to making mistakes and falling prey to their own weaknesses. This can be disheartening and disillusioning for their disciples who have put their faith in them. However, it is important to remember that the guru is not the goal, but merely a means to the goal.

The goal of spiritual practice is to attain God-realization, to merge with the divine, and to transcend the cycle of birth and death. The guru is there to provide guidance, support, and wisdom to the seeker on this path. However, the guru is not the destination. The destination is God-realization, and this can be attained even if the guru goes wrong.

In fact, sometimes God tests the seeker by sending them to the wrong guru. This is a way to test the seeker's faith and devotion. If the seeker's faith is strong, they will realize that the guru is only a means to the goal, and they will not be deterred by the guru's mistakes. They will continue on the path, following the ideals that the guru taught them, even if the guru themselves did not follow those ideals.

It is important to remember that just because a guru goes wrong, it does not mean that their teachings are wrong. The teachings themselves may be valid and true, even if the guru did not live up to them. It is up to the disciple to follow the teachings and embody them in their own life. As the saying goes, "Practice what your teacher teaches, not what your teacher does."

It is also important to remember that the consequences of one's actions cannot be escaped. If a guru has done wrong things, they will face the consequences of their actions, both in this life and in the afterlife. It is not for us to judge them, but rather to focus on our own spiritual practice and growth.

It is true that the teacher does not have to be perfect to be effective. Many great coaches in sports were not themselves great players. Similarly, many great gurus may have had their own shortcomings and weaknesses. However, it is important to use discernment and judgment when choosing a guru. It is important to choose a guru who embodies the ideals and teachings that they espouse, and who lives a life of integrity and honesty.

In conclusion, the guru is not the goal, but merely a means to the goal of God-realization. Even if the guru goes wrong, the teachings themselves may still be valid and true. It is up to the disciple to embody those teachings in their own life, regardless of whether or not the guru lived up to them. The wrong guru may be a test from God, and if the seeker's faith is strong, they will continue on the path to the ultimate goal. It is not necessary for the guru to be perfect, but it is important to choose a guru who embodies the teachings they espouse.

Why not to ban Polythene Manufacturers

Last Sunday was a typical lazy day for me. I was lounging in the living room, scrolling through social media when I suddenly smelled the tantalizing aroma of something being fried in the kitchen. Curious, I got up and walked towards the source of the smell.

My mother was standing at the stove, cooking up a storm. I could see that she had made some oily food, which was sizzling in the pan. Without thinking twice, I reached out and grabbed a piece, popping it into my mouth.

It was delicious, but I noticed that my mother didn't seem to be enjoying it as much. In fact, she had a pained expression on her face. She told me that she had also eaten the same food, and now she was feeling sick.

I started to panic. I knew I had to take her to the doctor. We rushed to the nearest hospital, where the doctor examined her and diagnosed her with food poisoning. He prescribed some medication and advised her to drink plenty of fluids, especially fruit juice.

I quickly made my way to the nearest fruit shop to buy some juice. When I got there, I asked the shopkeeper to give me a bag to carry the fruit in. To my surprise, he refused, saying that polythene bags had been banned and that I would have to bring my own bag.

I was puzzled. I had just passed by another fruit shop on the way, and they were selling fruit in polythene bags. I asked the shopkeeper about it, and he replied that he was paying a monthly fee to the food inspector, so he didn't have to worry about the ban. He also added that the government should be banning the factories that manufacture polythene bags instead of imposing penalties on shopkeepers.

I was taken aback by his response. His words made me think about the larger issue at hand. Why was the government only imposing penalties on shopkeepers who used polythene bags instead of banning the manufacture of these bags altogether? Wasn't it time to take more drastic measures to protect our environment and health?

As I left the fruit shop, I continued to ponder over these questions. It was clear that we needed to take responsibility for our actions and find ways to reduce our carbon footprint. It was time to take action before it was too late.

The Legal Age for Committing illegality

The consumption of substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and gambling has long been a part of human culture. However, it is no secret that these habits can lead to negative health and social consequences. Despite the harmful effects associated with these activities, many countries have a legal minimum age for their consumption. This raises the question: why do we allow people to indulge in such activities after a certain age, even when they can never be beneficial?

Let us first examine the effects of smoking. Cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, of which at least 69 are known to cause cancer. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide and is linked to numerous health problems such as heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory illnesses. Smoking is also associated with reduced fertility and increased risk of birth defects in infants born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy. In light of these harmful effects, it is clear that smoking can never be beneficial to anyone.

Now let's take a look at gambling. While it may seem harmless, gambling can lead to addiction, financial problems, and psychological distress. Gambling addiction is a serious issue that can lead to severe financial and personal problems. Those who gamble regularly can experience negative effects on their mental health, such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. The act of gambling can never be helpful to anyone, and it can have severe consequences for those who become addicted.

Lastly, let's consider the consumption of wine and other alcoholic beverages. While moderate drinking may have some health benefits, excessive drinking can lead to liver damage, heart disease, and addiction. Alcohol abuse is also associated with a range of social problems, such as violence, accidents, and family breakdowns. It is clear that drinking alcohol can never be helpful to anyone, and its harmful effects outweigh any potential health benefits.

So, why then is there a minimum age for indulging in such activities? The answer lies in the fact that these substances can be particularly harmful to young people. The adolescent brain is still developing, and exposure to these substances can have long-term effects on cognitive function, memory, and decision-making. Therefore, setting a minimum age for the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and gambling is a protective measure to ensure that young people are not exposed to these harmful substances before their brains are fully developed.

However, it is important to note that simply setting a minimum age does not make these activities safe or beneficial. Rather, it is a legal restriction put in place to protect vulnerable individuals. It is up to individuals to make responsible choices and to be aware of the risks associated with these activities, regardless of their age.

In conclusion, smoking, gambling, and drinking wine can never be helpful to anyone. These activities are associated with numerous health and social problems, and their harmful effects outweigh any potential benefits. While a minimum age is prescribed for indulging in such acts, it does not make these activities safe or beneficial. Rather, it is a protective measure put in place to ensure that young people are not exposed to these substances before their brains are fully developed. It is up to individuals to make responsible choices and to be aware of the risks associated with these activities, regardless of their age.

The problem of small shop keepers

Life in the 21st century had become increasingly hectic. The pressures of work, social life, and personal responsibilities often left little time for physical activity. Yet, the importance of staying fit and healthy had never been greater. I knew this all too well. I worked long hours as a software engineer and spent most of my evenings and weekends catching up on chores and socializing with friends. It was hard to find time for exercise, but I knew it was important for my health.

That's why I decided to invest in an elliptical cross trainer for home use. It was the perfect solution for me - I could exercise whenever I had a spare moment, without having to leave my house. I had heard that Lajpat Nagar was a great place to shop for fitness equipment, so I decided to head there to make my purchase.

When I arrived at the address where the shop was supposed to be located, I was surprised to find that it had moved. I asked a few shopkeepers in the area if they knew where the store had gone, and eventually, I found out that it had moved to a different part of the market.

I made my way to the new location and found the shop. It was a small store, packed with exercise equipment of all kinds. The owner, a middle-aged man, greeted me with a smile and asked how he could help.

I told him I was looking for an elliptical cross trainer, and he led me to a section of the store where they were displayed. I tried out a few different models and settled on one that felt comfortable and sturdy.

As the shopkeeper was processing my payment, he shared a bit about his own struggles with running a small business in the market. He explained that each year, the rent for his shop increased by 10%, but his profit margins were not keeping up. As a result, he had to move his shop to a new location every 3 or 4 years in order to find a more affordable space.

I was saddened to hear about the challenges he faced. The market was bustling with shoppers, but I could see that many of the stores were small and cramped. It must be a constant struggle for these business owners to keep up with rising costs.

As I left the store, I couldn't help but reflect on the interconnectedness of our lives. My desire for a healthier lifestyle had led me to this small shop in Lajpat Nagar, and in doing so, I had learned about the challenges facing small business owners in the area. It made me realize that our actions - even the seemingly small ones - can have a ripple effect on others.

As I made my way home with my new elliptical cross trainer, I felt grateful for the opportunity to make a positive change in my own life, and for the chance to support a small business owner in the process. I knew that my hectic lifestyle would always be a challenge, but with a bit of determination and the right tools, I could make physical activity a part of my daily routine. And who knows - maybe one day, I'd be able to help other small business owners in my own way.

Uncle Sam Syndrome and Judiciary

The judicial system is the bedrock of any democracy. It is the system that ensures that everyone, irrespective of their social status, is treated fairly and justly. The judiciary is the guardian of the rule of law, and it is imperative that it operates with integrity, independence, and impartiality. However, the presence of nepotism and the Uncle Sam Syndrome in the judiciary can undermine the credibility of the entire system.

The notion that belonging to a family of judicial background does not guarantee success in law practice is a valid one. Success in the legal profession depends on various factors such as academic qualifications, legal knowledge, and experience, among others. It takes a great deal of hard work, dedication, and perseverance to succeed in the legal profession. Mere affiliation with a legal family background does not guarantee these qualities.

However, the issue is not about success in the legal profession but about the appointment of individuals to key positions in the judiciary. The appointment of judges and other key positions in the judiciary must be based on merit and not on familial ties. The appointment of individuals who lack the necessary qualifications and experience to hold these positions can have disastrous consequences.

Nepotism and the Uncle Sam Syndrome have the potential to undermine the integrity of the judiciary. The appointment of individuals who are not qualified or deserving of a particular position can lead to a conflict of interest. The individual appointed may not be impartial or objective in their judgments, which can lead to a miscarriage of justice.

A fair justice delivery system warrants that it should be free from any form of nepotism and the Uncle Sam Syndrome. The appointment of judges and other key positions in the judiciary should be made on the basis of merit and qualifications alone. The process of appointment should be transparent, independent, and free from any form of political influence.

Moreover, there needs to be greater accountability and oversight in the appointment process. Mechanisms should be put in place to investigate and penalize any instances of nepotism and the Uncle Sam Syndrome. This will help to ensure that the judicial system operates with integrity, independence, and impartiality.

The judicial system must be reflective of the society it serves. It must encourage diversity and inclusivity in its appointments, with a focus on ensuring representation from marginalized and underrepresented communities. This will help to ensure that the judiciary is more reflective of the society it serves and can better uphold the principles of justice and fairness.

The issue of nepotism and the Uncle Sam Syndrome in the judiciary cannot be ignored. The appointment of judges and other key positions in the judiciary must be based on merit and qualifications alone. The judiciary must operate with integrity, independence, and impartiality. The appointment process must be transparent, independent, and free from any form of political influence. Only then can the judiciary truly fulfill its role as the guardian of the rule of law and ensure that justice is delivered fairly and justly to all.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Have faith in your doubt

They warn us of black cats ,
and broken glass,
And that number thirteen ,
brings fear in mass.

By tales of black magic and ,
tales of the dead,
In the name of tradition ,
we are often mislead.

Why to swallow these lies,
hook, line, and plot?
Why not to question if ,
these are true or not?

That how can a dead ,
speak through a mouth?
If suspicious arises ,
have faith in your doubt.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 23, 2023


Either can make you, 
Or either can brake you,
All that matters is this,
How you get through.

Ajay Amitabh Suman 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Inappropriate dance at bar

 Recently I heard a news that on the eve of Holi , which incidentally happens to be woman's day also , one of the bar association of Delhi hosted a party where dance girls performed inappropriately.

The news of a bar association in Delhi hosting a party on the eve of Holi, which incidentally happened to be International Women's Day, with dance girls performing inappropriately, is a matter of great concern. The incident not only violates the ethics of legal profession but also shows a complete disregard for women's dignity and safety.

The legal profession is one of the most respected and responsible professions in the world. Lawyers are expected to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and equality. They are also expected to uphold the dignity of the profession and maintain the highest ethical standards. The incident of a bar association hosting a party with dance girls performing inappropriately is a clear violation of these principles.

The fact that the incident took place on the eve of Holi, which is a festival of colors and joy, and International Women's Day, which is celebrated globally to promote gender equality and women's empowerment, makes it all the more shocking. It is unfortunate that the organizers of the party failed to realize the gravity of their actions and the impact it would have on the reputation of the legal profession and the dignity of women.

The incident also raises serious questions about the safety and security of women in such events. Dance performances that are sexually explicit or derogatory towards women have no place in a civilized society. Such performances not only promote the objectification of women but also normalize sexual harassment and assault. The fact that such performances took place at a party hosted by a bar association, which comprises of legal professionals, is extremely concerning.

The legal profession has a critical role to play in promoting gender equality and women's rights. The legal community has a responsibility to create a safe and inclusive environment for women and to work towards eliminating all forms of discrimination and violence against women. The incident of the bar association hosting a party with dance girls performing inappropriately is a setback in this regard.

The incident also highlights the need for better regulation of such events. There is a need for strict guidelines and regulations to be put in place to ensure that such events do not violate the dignity and safety of women. The legal community should take a lead in this regard and work with the government and civil society organizations to create a safe and inclusive environment for women.

In conclusion, the incident of a bar association hosting a party with dance girls performing inappropriately on the eve of Holi, which incidentally happened to be International Women's Day, is a matter of great concern. It not only violates the ethics of the legal profession but also shows a complete disregard for women's dignity and safety. The legal community has a responsibility to promote gender equality and women's rights and create a safe and inclusive environment for women. The incident is a wake-up call for all of us to take action and work towards eliminating all forms of discrimination and violence against women.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Upper cap on the Fee of Professionals.

"If they claim themselves to be professionals, it is their responsibility too, look like professionals and not like business men."

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented challenges for individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide. With the outbreak of the virus, the demand for medical professionals has skyrocketed, and so has the demand for their services. However, with the high demand comes an issue of affordability.

Many people are unable to pay for medical services due to the exorbitant fees charged by healthcare professionals. This situation has brought to light the urgent need for an upper cap on professional fees.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted this issue, it is not a new problem. Many people, particularly in developing countries, have long struggled to access quality healthcare due to the high costs of medical services. The cost of medical treatment is often unaffordable for those who need it the most. The high fees charged by healthcare professionals have made healthcare a privilege rather than a basic human right.

it is not necessary that Government should put reasonable limit on the fee of professional. Even though India is a free trade society, still in the public interest, professionals Fee should not unreasonably guided by the market. After all it's not a business.

The question of whether the government should put a reasonable limit on the fees charged by professionals, like lawyers, Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Teachers, Professors, Researchers etc,  has been a subject of debate for many years. While some argue that such limits are necessary to protect the public interest, others argue that such limits are unnecessary and may even be detrimental to the profession.

India is a free trade society, and professionals are free to charge whatever fees they deem fit for their services. However, in the public interest, it is not necessary for the government to put a reasonable limit on the fees charged by professionals. This is because professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants, provide services that are essential to the functioning of society. Without these services, the economy would suffer, and the public would be at a disadvantage.

In many countries, the government has implemented a fee structure for medical services, with an upper cap on professional fees. For example, in India, the government has recently capped the prices of COVID-19 vaccines, including Covishield, at a maximum of Rs 250 per dose for private hospitals. This move has ensured that people can access the vaccine at an affordable price, regardless of their financial status.

Similarly, the government can implement an upper cap on professional fees for medical, legal or other services. This would ensure that people can access medical, legal and other services at an affordable price, regardless of their financial status. It would also prevent healthcare professionals from charging exorbitant fees, which often leads to exploitation of patients in dire need of medical attention.

One of the arguments against an upper cap on professional fees is that it may lead to a decrease in the quality of medical, legal or other services. Professionals like lawyers, Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Teachers, Professors, Researchers etc, may feel that they are not being compensated adequately for their services and may therefore reduce the quality of care provided.

Another argument against an upper cap on professional fees is that it may discourage people from entering the medical profession. However, this argument is also flawed. The legal, medical profession is a calling, and people enter it because they have a passion for helping others. While monetary compensation is essential, it is not the only factor that motivates people to enter the medical profession. Healthcare professionals who are passionate about their work will continue to provide quality medical services regardless of the fee structure in place.

However, this argument is flawed. A fee structure with an upper cap can be designed in such a way that healthcare professionals are adequately compensated for their services. The upper cap can be set at a level that ensures that healthcare professionals are paid a fair wage for their services while still making medical services accessible to everyone.

The professionals should not unreasonably guide their fees by the market. They should not charge fees that are exorbitant or out of reach for the average person. Professionals have a moral obligation to serve the public, and charging excessive fees can be seen as a breach of this obligation.

Moreover, professionals are not running a business in the traditional sense. They are providing services that are essential to the public, and their fees should reflect this fact. Unlike businesses, professionals cannot simply increase their fees in response to market demand without considering the impact on the public.

Professionals like lawyers, Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Teachers, Professors, Researchers etc,  have a social responsibility to ensure that their fees are reasonable and affordable. This is particularly true for those who serve the most vulnerable members of society, such as low-income families and the elderly. Charging excessive fees can create a barrier to access to essential services, which can have a detrimental impact on the health and well-being of the public.

It is equally important to note that not all professionals charge exorbitant fees. Many professionals provide their services at a reasonable and affordable cost, recognizing the social responsibility that comes with their profession. However, there are some professionals who charge fees that are out of reach for the average person. It is in the interest of the public to ensure that such professionals are held accountable for their fees.

Upper cap on professional fees is urgently needed to ensure that everyone can access quality healthcare services. The government can implement a fee structure that ensures that healthcare professionals are adequately compensated for their services while still making medical services accessible to everyone.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgency of this issue, and governments around the world must take action to address it. Access to quality healthcare is a basic human right, and it is the responsibility of governments to ensure that everyone can access it.

One way to do this is through professional associations and regulatory bodies. These organizations can establish guidelines for fees that are reasonable and affordable, and they can take action against professionals who charge excessive fees. This can help to ensure that professionals are not guided solely by the market and are held accountable to the public.

In fact it is the responsibility of professional associations and regulatory bodies to ensure that professionals are held accountable for their fees and that the public interest is protected. Professionals like lawyers, Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Teachers, Professors, Researchers etc, should not view their services as purely business transactions but rather as a social. A middle path is required to be taken to balance the interest of society as well as the professionals.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

The name less

Go in any Indian House and try to call a wife by her name and you will know why I am forced to write this. First it is very difficult to identify a married woman by her name. Rather they are identified by their relation ship with her husband, son, father in law etc. Second thing , calling a woman by her name is always to be offensive. Result is obvious. It results in namelessness of a woman , post marriage.

The traditional role of women in Indian society has been that of caregivers and homemakers. This has been ingrained in the social fabric for centuries, and it is only recently that we have seen some changes in this mindset. Women were expected to marry and bear children, take care of their husbands and in-laws, and manage the household. This traditional role was reinforced by society and passed down from one generation to another.

India is a nation that prides itself on its diverse cultural heritage. It is a land of great civilizations and religions, with each one leaving its mark on Indian society. Despite this proud legacy, mental health-related issues are on the rise in India, especially among women. One of the major reasons for this trend is the loss of identity among Indian women.

However, the world has changed dramatically over the past few decades. The rapid pace of urbanization and globalization has brought about new opportunities and challenges for women. There is more emphasis now on education, careers, and independence. However, this shift has not been easy, and women have struggled to balance their traditional roles with their new aspirations.

One of the major consequences of this shift has been the loss of identity among Indian women. They feel torn between their traditional roles and their new ambitions. They find themselves caught in a dilemma, unable to reconcile their past and present selves. This lack of clarity about their identity can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health-related issues.

In addition, there are other factors that contribute to the loss of identity among Indian women. One of these is the pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations. Indian society places a great emphasis on conformity and tradition, and women are expected to adhere to these norms. This can be especially challenging for those who want to break free from the traditional roles assigned to them.

Another factor that contributes to the loss of identity is the lack of support for women who want to pursue their ambitions. Many women face opposition from their families when they try to follow their dreams. This lack of support can leave them feeling isolated and alone, with no one to turn to for guidance or encouragement.

The loss of identity among Indian women is a major issue that needs to be addressed. It is not only detrimental to their mental health but also to their overall wellbeing. Women need to be allowed to explore their talents and interests and pursue their ambitions without fear of judgment or rejection. They need to be empowered to make choices that are in line with their values and aspirations.

Marriage is considered to be a significant milestone in every girl’s life. It is a union of two individuals who vow to spend the rest of their lives together, sharing all the joys and sorrows equally. While it is a blissful bond, it also demands some sacrifices from both partners.

Unfortunately, in many cultures, the sacrifice expected from a woman is her identity. After marriage, a girl's identity is limited to being a wife, a mother, a sister in law, or a daughter in law. This patriarchal mindset is prevalent in many parts of the world, where a woman is supposed to leave behind her name, her individuality, and her ambitions and dedicate herself entirely to her family.

The irony is that a married woman's identity becomes so closely associated with her relationship to others that people begin to refer to her by her husband’s name. It is common practice in many cultures to prefix a woman's name with her husband's surname. This reinforces the idea that a woman's worth is tied to her relationship with her partner and that her identity is lost after marriage.

One may argue that there is nothing wrong with adopting your partner's name after marriage, as it is a personal choice. However, the problem is much deeper than that. In many households, a woman is expected to follow certain roles and responsibilities and is judged based on how well she fulfills them. Her worth is measured by her ability to manage her household and cater to the needs of her husband and his family.

This mindset is not only regressive but also harmful to a woman's mental health. When a woman's identity is reduced to her role as a wife, her sense of self-worth takes a hit. She begins to feel undervalued and unimportant, leading to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Moreover, when society removes a woman's identity, it inadvertently strips her of her agency, making it difficult for her to stand up for herself and assert her rights. In many cases, women are pressurized into marriages without their consent, and once they are married, they are expected to conform to their husband’s wishes and desires. This can lead to abusive relationships, where women are unable to leave due to societal pressure or lack of support.

In today's world, where women have broken numerous barriers and have achieved success in various fields, it is disheartening to see that their worth is still tied to their marital status. Women should have the freedom to define themselves outside of their relationships and be valued for who they are as individuals.

The social construct of patriarchal societies often undervalues and undermines women's identities after marriage. Women's role in a family is highly praised and respected, but their individuality and potential often go unrecognized. This issue needs to be addressed and eliminated from society by acknowledging a woman's identity beyond her marital status and treating her with equal respect and opportunities.

There are several ways to address this issue. A change in the mindset of society towards women is must. Women should not be judged for wanting to pursue their dreams or break free from traditional roles. They should be encouraged and supported, both by their families and by society at large.

More support for women who want to pursue their ambitions is also needs to be encouraged. This can come in the form of mentorship, scholarships, and other forms of support. Women need to know that there are people out there who believe in them and are willing to help them achieve their goals.

There needs to be more emphasis on education and awareness about mental health issues. Women need to be educated about the signs and symptoms of mental health-related issues and how to seek help if they need it. There needs to be more resources available for women who are struggling with mental health-related issues, including counseling and therapy.

The loss of identity is a major reason for mental health-related issues among Indian women. This issue needs to be addressed through changes in societal attitudes, support for women who want to pursue their ambitions, and greater awareness about mental health issues. Women need to be empowered to make choices that are in line with their values and aspirations, and they need to know that there are people out there who believe in them and are willing to help them achieve their goals.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Digi Begs

The advent of internet has transformed people's lifestyles in many ways. Beggars are not the excetion either. New Age Beggars are updated enough to exploit the digital mod of payment by manipulating people's emotions. Here is a A humorous poem about online begging.
The Digi Begs [Digital Beggars]
While roaming in the market, 
I saw a beggar on the street,
Who was asking for a grant,
With smartphone at his feet, 
His voice was croaky, 
His clothes were all torn,
Still didn't worry, had,
Paytm on his phone.
He begged from anyone,
On street , he could find,
And offered his barcode,
With hope in his mind.
He called up the kids,
Their moms dads and sis,
And pleaded them all, 
For a little of their bliss.
Please Send me some,
grant he would implore,
I am Just a poor beggar,
With no bread in store.
All laughed at him ,
That Digi beg though,
Still all have granted,
Him bliss of rainbow.
And so on that beggar,
With phone at his feet,
Collected the grant and, 
Pleased with the treat.
He thanked all kids,
Their moms dads too,
And then proceeded to, 
Beg some where new.
And I was surprised, 
What a world of today,
Even Beggars updated, 
Have found new way,
Their selfies are sad, 
With frowns so deep,
With ad-on to make them,
Look oh-so-sweet.
Their Instagram posts,
Are a sight to see,
With sad filters and ,
Captions they plea.
Please help me out, 
as I am in need,
And hope that you all, 
be kind, indeed.
This online drama, 
It's ways so strange,
With norms all old,
Forever have changed.
So next time if digi beg,
Says he is in need,
Be aware of him & you,
Need not to cede.
Don't get fooled by his,
Digital such asks,
For beggars are beggars ,
Just pseudo are masque.
Ajay Amitabh Suman
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