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Saturday, March 11, 2023

The name less

Go in any Indian House and try to call a wife by her name and you will know why I am forced to write this. First it is very difficult to identify a married woman by her name. Rather they are identified by their relation ship with her husband, son, father in law etc. Second thing , calling a woman by her name is always to be offensive. Result is obvious. It results in namelessness of a woman , post marriage.

The traditional role of women in Indian society has been that of caregivers and homemakers. This has been ingrained in the social fabric for centuries, and it is only recently that we have seen some changes in this mindset. Women were expected to marry and bear children, take care of their husbands and in-laws, and manage the household. This traditional role was reinforced by society and passed down from one generation to another.

India is a nation that prides itself on its diverse cultural heritage. It is a land of great civilizations and religions, with each one leaving its mark on Indian society. Despite this proud legacy, mental health-related issues are on the rise in India, especially among women. One of the major reasons for this trend is the loss of identity among Indian women.

However, the world has changed dramatically over the past few decades. The rapid pace of urbanization and globalization has brought about new opportunities and challenges for women. There is more emphasis now on education, careers, and independence. However, this shift has not been easy, and women have struggled to balance their traditional roles with their new aspirations.

One of the major consequences of this shift has been the loss of identity among Indian women. They feel torn between their traditional roles and their new ambitions. They find themselves caught in a dilemma, unable to reconcile their past and present selves. This lack of clarity about their identity can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health-related issues.

In addition, there are other factors that contribute to the loss of identity among Indian women. One of these is the pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations. Indian society places a great emphasis on conformity and tradition, and women are expected to adhere to these norms. This can be especially challenging for those who want to break free from the traditional roles assigned to them.

Another factor that contributes to the loss of identity is the lack of support for women who want to pursue their ambitions. Many women face opposition from their families when they try to follow their dreams. This lack of support can leave them feeling isolated and alone, with no one to turn to for guidance or encouragement.

The loss of identity among Indian women is a major issue that needs to be addressed. It is not only detrimental to their mental health but also to their overall wellbeing. Women need to be allowed to explore their talents and interests and pursue their ambitions without fear of judgment or rejection. They need to be empowered to make choices that are in line with their values and aspirations.

Marriage is considered to be a significant milestone in every girl’s life. It is a union of two individuals who vow to spend the rest of their lives together, sharing all the joys and sorrows equally. While it is a blissful bond, it also demands some sacrifices from both partners.

Unfortunately, in many cultures, the sacrifice expected from a woman is her identity. After marriage, a girl's identity is limited to being a wife, a mother, a sister in law, or a daughter in law. This patriarchal mindset is prevalent in many parts of the world, where a woman is supposed to leave behind her name, her individuality, and her ambitions and dedicate herself entirely to her family.

The irony is that a married woman's identity becomes so closely associated with her relationship to others that people begin to refer to her by her husband’s name. It is common practice in many cultures to prefix a woman's name with her husband's surname. This reinforces the idea that a woman's worth is tied to her relationship with her partner and that her identity is lost after marriage.

One may argue that there is nothing wrong with adopting your partner's name after marriage, as it is a personal choice. However, the problem is much deeper than that. In many households, a woman is expected to follow certain roles and responsibilities and is judged based on how well she fulfills them. Her worth is measured by her ability to manage her household and cater to the needs of her husband and his family.

This mindset is not only regressive but also harmful to a woman's mental health. When a woman's identity is reduced to her role as a wife, her sense of self-worth takes a hit. She begins to feel undervalued and unimportant, leading to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Moreover, when society removes a woman's identity, it inadvertently strips her of her agency, making it difficult for her to stand up for herself and assert her rights. In many cases, women are pressurized into marriages without their consent, and once they are married, they are expected to conform to their husband’s wishes and desires. This can lead to abusive relationships, where women are unable to leave due to societal pressure or lack of support.

In today's world, where women have broken numerous barriers and have achieved success in various fields, it is disheartening to see that their worth is still tied to their marital status. Women should have the freedom to define themselves outside of their relationships and be valued for who they are as individuals.

The social construct of patriarchal societies often undervalues and undermines women's identities after marriage. Women's role in a family is highly praised and respected, but their individuality and potential often go unrecognized. This issue needs to be addressed and eliminated from society by acknowledging a woman's identity beyond her marital status and treating her with equal respect and opportunities.

There are several ways to address this issue. A change in the mindset of society towards women is must. Women should not be judged for wanting to pursue their dreams or break free from traditional roles. They should be encouraged and supported, both by their families and by society at large.

More support for women who want to pursue their ambitions is also needs to be encouraged. This can come in the form of mentorship, scholarships, and other forms of support. Women need to know that there are people out there who believe in them and are willing to help them achieve their goals.

There needs to be more emphasis on education and awareness about mental health issues. Women need to be educated about the signs and symptoms of mental health-related issues and how to seek help if they need it. There needs to be more resources available for women who are struggling with mental health-related issues, including counseling and therapy.

The loss of identity is a major reason for mental health-related issues among Indian women. This issue needs to be addressed through changes in societal attitudes, support for women who want to pursue their ambitions, and greater awareness about mental health issues. Women need to be empowered to make choices that are in line with their values and aspirations, and they need to know that there are people out there who believe in them and are willing to help them achieve their goals.

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