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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Why to Wail, When Gurus Fail

 Why to get disturbed when Guru goes wrong. After all Guru is not the Goal. It means to say that Guru is helpful in the path of God-realization, not the destination. There is only a means in the worship of a seeker, not an end. Sometimes God tests the seeker by sending him to wrong gurus. If Asaram, Ram Rahim, Guru Rampal, Nityanand etc have done wrong things, then they are also facing the consequences.

These gurus always talked about truthful conduct, celibacy, honest service. However, he himself could not follow those ideals in his life. So what? What stops you from following the ideals told by him. It is not necessary that the coach should also be the best to produce the best players. Most of the best coaches have been ordinary players. Like a flamingo, a man should drink only the lotus flower of spirituality that came out of the mouth of these so-called religious leaders, not the mire of their downtrodden character.

God does not become wrong if the Guru is wrong. The destination does not change if the path is wrong. Man has always been free to change course. The wrong teacher is just a test being taken by God on you. If your faith does not waver, you will definitely reach your destination. It is not necessary for the teacher to be right, but it is very important for the disciple to remain right.

The relationship between a guru and their disciple is one of the most sacred relationships in the spiritual realm. The guru is seen as a guide, a mentor, and a source of wisdom for the seeker on the path to God-realization. However, as humans, even gurus are prone to making mistakes and falling prey to their own weaknesses. This can be disheartening and disillusioning for their disciples who have put their faith in them. However, it is important to remember that the guru is not the goal, but merely a means to the goal.

The goal of spiritual practice is to attain God-realization, to merge with the divine, and to transcend the cycle of birth and death. The guru is there to provide guidance, support, and wisdom to the seeker on this path. However, the guru is not the destination. The destination is God-realization, and this can be attained even if the guru goes wrong.

In fact, sometimes God tests the seeker by sending them to the wrong guru. This is a way to test the seeker's faith and devotion. If the seeker's faith is strong, they will realize that the guru is only a means to the goal, and they will not be deterred by the guru's mistakes. They will continue on the path, following the ideals that the guru taught them, even if the guru themselves did not follow those ideals.

It is important to remember that just because a guru goes wrong, it does not mean that their teachings are wrong. The teachings themselves may be valid and true, even if the guru did not live up to them. It is up to the disciple to follow the teachings and embody them in their own life. As the saying goes, "Practice what your teacher teaches, not what your teacher does."

It is also important to remember that the consequences of one's actions cannot be escaped. If a guru has done wrong things, they will face the consequences of their actions, both in this life and in the afterlife. It is not for us to judge them, but rather to focus on our own spiritual practice and growth.

It is true that the teacher does not have to be perfect to be effective. Many great coaches in sports were not themselves great players. Similarly, many great gurus may have had their own shortcomings and weaknesses. However, it is important to use discernment and judgment when choosing a guru. It is important to choose a guru who embodies the ideals and teachings that they espouse, and who lives a life of integrity and honesty.

In conclusion, the guru is not the goal, but merely a means to the goal of God-realization. Even if the guru goes wrong, the teachings themselves may still be valid and true. It is up to the disciple to embody those teachings in their own life, regardless of whether or not the guru lived up to them. The wrong guru may be a test from God, and if the seeker's faith is strong, they will continue on the path to the ultimate goal. It is not necessary for the guru to be perfect, but it is important to choose a guru who embodies the teachings they espouse.

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