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Saturday, December 31, 2022


As the new year 
approaches with glee,
We must remember 
one thing, you see.
Let's ring in the year 
ahead with cheer,
But not to forget the 
threat that's here.
The COVID not gone, 
still here to stay,
We have to take 
precaution every day.
Washing one's hands 
wearing the mask,
Social distancing 
should be one's task.
Avoiding the crowds 
staying at home,
This is only way left 
not to be alone.
The vaccine of COVID 
brings hope to heart,
But everyone has to 
take vaccine take part.
By following instructions, 
all duty assigned,
We can help each other 
and ease our mind.
I wish you all happy 
and healthy new year,
May it  bring you bliss 
and joy minus  fear.
Ajay Amitabh Suman: 
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Nation's Celebration

In our office, there was an occasion for a Dhanteras celebration. The majority of our office personnel were dressed in ethnic attire. As lawyers, we do not have that kind of freedom. Our black and white dresses were on, as were the District Courts.

After attending court matters, most  of our colleagues returned to the office. The Dhanteras celebration was planned for the office during the launch hours.

Most of the office staff, including court assistants, office assistants, and colleague advocates came to the office by that time. As is customary in our office, it was time for our Sir to distribute gifts to all of the staff.

The office environment became more pleasant when a few of the staff started cracking jokes on others. All of us enjoyed this. The Dipawali Festival is to be celebrated across the country on coming Monday. So all of us were enthusiastic. 

During that office ceremony, I was unexpectedly called to say a few words. As the invitation was extempore, so was my reply. I simply reiterated the words of wisdom poured upon me, by Sir, a few hours ago.

Just a few hours ago, I happened to have a conversation with my Sir. As with his usual smiling face and witty style, he asked me as to what was so special about Dipawali Festival.

I answered in the same way any other could have said regarding this festival. As for example , this festival brings happiness in one's life etc. Sharing of gifts betters the relationship. 

He was having his own vision about this festival. Cetainly it was not the vision, which I could have envisaged. Such perception often comes when a fact is perceived from a different label.

He began with carving out distinction of Dioawali with other festivals. Dipawali is one of the festivals which is celebrated across the country. But there are many other such festivals, like Holi, Durga Puja, Muharram, X-mas celebrations etc. 

Naturally, all of the festivals bring festivals into people's lives. But there is something unique about this festival. It not only brings happiness to the family of the country, but the nation as a whole.

This festival is unique in the sense that it provides a great boost to the country's economy. I kept on repeating the words of wisdom , Sir, shared with me.

The potters who make earthen lamps, sweet sellers , toy makers, incense, incense stick makers, fruit sellers, home decorators, jewellers, utensils makers and sellers, who are the people for whom this festival does not provide work.

During this festival season, a great boom in the shops of the digital markets is seen.  Where ever one may go, be it mobile shops, television, computer etc., long lines of consumers are seen.

Almost a month ago, the entire market was decorated with gift shops. This festival makes everyone prosperous in this country. From the poorest of the poor to the biggest traders, every one benefitted.

The time of Diwali is considered to be very auspicious. That's why countless people like to buy and sell flats at this time. The real estate market often witnessed a boom during this season.This is the only festival where gifts are exchanged on such a large scale.

There is no such business in this country which this festival does not affect in a positive way. From the smallest business to the biggest profession, this festival benefits the people.

This is the only festival that boosts the economy of this country. It would not be unreasonable to say that the festival of Deepawali is very important, not only for the common man but also for the progress of this country.

And finally, I end my words with the wish that may this festival bring prosperity and wealth in everyone's life. In this way, the celebration of Dhanteras in our office ended.

His words are still echoing in my mind as he said that Dipawali brings economic prosperity not only to the  family of a common man  but the nation as a whole. It boosts economy of nation.

This vision of Sir towards the festival of Diwali also made me think how different the approach of one person towards any events makes that person different from others. 

He rightly observed that perhaps it is the result of celebrating festivals like Diwali in this country that, where the economy of the whole world collapsed during the Corona time, the Indian economy was not that much adversely affected.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Arrow of Curiosity

A boy and his father were once in a village, walking the footpath in the early hours of the day. The kid watched in awe as the Red Sun gradually rose above the eastern horizon. The sound of birds chirping improved appearance of the weather. 

Children are a constant source of curiosity. He wasn't an exception either. He questioned his father as to why the sun rises every morning? His father explained that the sun rises each morning as a result of the Earth's rotation on her axis. 

Son's another question was , why the Earth rotates on her axis? According to the father, it was caused by the magnetic field of Earth. The Kid asked further: what would happen if the Earth's movement came to a halt?

The father sensed the child's apprehension and responded, "This cannot happen because this movement keeps the Earth and the Sun attached to each other." It is a remote possibility that Earth and Sun will be separated and fall apart in this universe. 

The child inquired, "Where will this Earth fall in the universe, and where will it go in case they fall apart from each other?" The Father sidestepped the question by asking the Son, "Do you hear the birds chirping?" Isn't it relaxing? 

The child's attention was diverted from the Earth, Sun, and Universe to the birds. Father clevery rerouted the direction of Kid's questions and in this way the focuss of Son's curiosity was shifted as well. Now father was relaxed in sensing the relvance of questions, which were now coming from his son. 

Curiosity can be beneficial when focused in the right direction. It will get you nowhere if it is directed at those facts which cannot be answered. It will only confuse a person who develops the habit of asking and asking questions on minor issues. 

As we've seen, the father realized that his son was asking a question that couldn't be answered, so he shifted his curiosity. He did so correctly, knowing the limitations of the answers that can be given to such questions. 

It is impossible to explain where the Earth will go if it falls in the universe. As a result, the father shifted the son's curiosity to birds, to which the son could relate. There are numerous facts and questions in life that are similar to this. 

Curiosity is admirable, but the more one delves into things out of inquisitiveness, the more complicated they become. It is only an overly curious attitude that causes things to appear both complicated and complex. 

There is a weekly day system. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are the 7 days which comes in a day. What could be the answer if someone were to ask why Sunday comes before Monday? It all depends on how some people perceive it. 

There is another way to look at this fact. If observed differently, these seven days of the week can easily be understood to rotate in a circle. It's just how men see things these days. Any day can be used as a starting point. 

For seconds per hour, hours per day, days per week, weeks per month, and months per year, the same holds true. These divisions were created for human convenience. By focusing on the why, how, and when of these facts, it is impossible to comprehend them. These are factual assertions. 

Only those questions that could be beneficial to man, which help in solving life's problems. When some body is suffering from fever, it is useless to question as to why God created viruses. Instead, one should concentrate on developing medications that can treat the illness. 

After all God has not only created the viruses, but also gave man the intelligence to find the cure. Why should we route our attention on the problem? Simply shifting the focus from problems to solutions is all what is required. One gets what he wants in this life. 

Only that inquisitiveness might be useful which helps in solving man's problem. Only those questions , which in some way make a man's life simpler, should be asked, should be enquired. When you are already thirsty, it would be foolish to inquire as to why this water was produced or that what is composition of water? It is better to consume it to quench your thirst. 

A condition of confusion might emerge from asking too many questions. However, if you accept things as they are, you can very easily base your views and ideals on that foundation, which may give you a very comfortable existence. What matters is how you use your curiosity , whether in solving or exacerbating your difficulties in daily life.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved

Sunday, October 9, 2022

When in Pain, How to take God's Name?

This absolute essence is the cause of this existence, and it is only through it that supreme happiness may be realised. But what matters is how a man spends his life. 

Being part of this temporary existence, a man continues to plunge into the ocean of misery, yearning for pleasure from fleeting earthly goods. How can a person be aware of his true consciousness while living a blissless life, overcome by unmet desires?

The non-dualism-based Vedanta philosophy propagates the idea that this world is God's dream. According to Vedanta, the entire universe is nothing more than a manifestation in God's thought. This planet does not exist in the reality but it does appear in the tainted perception of human senses.

This has been described by using the example of a man who mistook a rope for a snake in the middle of the night. This universe does not exist, yet it appears to exist. This unreal has neither a beginning nor an end. It appears as a result of a man's corrupted perspective.

It does appear to exist because of ignorance. Hence no need to get panicked over the worldly problems. As the word is non existent, so as the problems appearing in this world. 

Why to bother about the cause and cure of the obstacles which appears to perturb the mind of a worldly man. It is better to ignore this world and rather focus on the unchanging and everlasting the truth. But Buddhist way of interpreting the worldly problem is different. 

The Buddha stated that asking the inquiry, "What is the explanation for this?" would be futile. No purpose is going to be served by pondering over as to Why , how and when did this suffering begin? 

When an arrow is struck at a man, no purpose is going to be served by asking the question as to what the reasons behind this are, what was the composition of this arrow. Rather, it is better to focus on how a man can be relieved of the problem.

On the other side, Vedanta explains that if there is no suffering, what can be done to alleviate it? Is it possible to treat someone in a dream? Nobody is dead, and no one is born again. Whatever is constantly changing cannot be called genuine.

The truth is always unaffected and pure. The fundamental power behind every variable, constant, transitory, undetectable, animal, bird, tree, plant, river, mountain, person, woman, and so on is the ultimate element's omnipresence.

A man's desire exists solely because of his ignorance. A man is in pain. A man experiences pain. A yogi of the highest understanding claims that the world, desire, and suffering do not exist. After all, what could the meaning of pain or gain be in a dream?

Only God is the ultimate truth that prevails over all, and this truth can be realized only if worldly people's attention is diverted from this dream-like world to the real truth, i.e., God.

However, when a man is involved in this worldly affair, tests of this way of knowing properly end in failures. A student getting ready for a competitive exam does not like to continue in this state of wisdom because it could lead to them failing the exam.

Why put forth the effort if this world is only a dream? Because he must contend with new competition every day, a businessman may find this wisdom to be a significant obstacle to realizing his success over his rivals.

If he remains in this state of a dreamlike world, his effort will also be dreamlike. Is it possible to see the ultimate unchanging God in someone who is chased and injured by a carnivorous animal?

To satisfy his appetite, a man must feed his body. When faced with real world challenges such as pain, hunger, thirst, and cutthroat competition, it would be extremely difficult to focus on God.

The thing is, when the challenges posed by this so-called dream-like world appear to be real, how do we develop the wisdom that this world is not real and the so-called everlasting consciousness or God is real? 

This is one of the fundamental challenges that a seeker of truth must overcome before he or she can dream of breaking free from a dream-like world. This may be one of the most difficult tasks for a truth seeker, but the task he has set himself is not easy either.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

A Desire for others to Desire the way you Desire

It is believed that God's yearning to understand himself is what caused this existence to come into being.

Its actual essence is eternal, never altering the ultimate bliss, regardless of the term you use to address it, whether by the name of God, truth, or ultimate super consciousness.

The ultimate super consciousness awareness is also referred to as "Satchittanand" for this reason. 

The three words that make up this term are SAT, CHITT, and ANAND. It implies that the only reality is pure consciousness, which is unchanging and unending happiness.
Since it has already been made clear that the super consciousness's ultimate purpose is to understand itself, it makes sense that everyone who is a part of this existence would be led by that desire.

A man can't escape his desires. As long as a person is in this world, they will think and desire things. The fact that man wants to manipulate and control this environment to suit his ideas and wishes, however, is the real issue.

Every person's deepest wish is to have others share his or her desires in the same way that they do.

One aspires to control the behaviour of others they are connected to.
All of the suffering that occurs in this world is caused by this one off reason. Everyone has the wish that the person they engage with must carry out their desired task.

The issue is that everyone has a different way of thinking, proposing to act, and acting. How is coherence possible in this world? How can a man escape this vicious cycle? Is there a chance or a way to obtain the perfect solution?

The answer is actually extremely straightforward and easy. One will be liberated from all of life's woes if they begin to look at their own nature.

Pure consciousness, the driving force behind everyone's existence, has no inclination to dictate to others what they should want. 

This planet exists as a result of super consciousness's deepest yearning. However, everyone has the freedom to think and behave in accordance with their own nature.

All problems would be solved once a man understood that each and every person in this world has their own free will, which can only be led. One should learn to influence rather than manage and control other people's desires.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Just See, whether it set you free or not?

There is very subtle but huge difference between love and lust. Often feeling of strong physical attraction has been misconstrued as love since centuries.

The whole litereture has been repleted with such poems where a poet has expressed his emotion by gloryfying the physical beauty of his lady love.

Often the poet kept on making comparison of his woman's eye with stars, hairs with moving snake, lips with apple etc.

But what kind of  idea is flowing behind such poetic expression? The emotion which is responsible behind such expression , what is this all about? 

Normally it is understood as love. The woman also accept such kind of physical glorification of her body  as a symbol of love. 

But the strong force underlying is actually physicall attraction towards the opposite sex and this is actually lust.

Difference in love and lust is very fine and very huge. Once some body is in the trap of lust, he is going to be addicted.

Lust is a process of self hyptonyzation. The natural consequence would be jealousy, frustrated, fear, suspicion etc.

But love is rather greater possibility. Lust enslave you but love sets you free. Just see the relationship of mother and son. Love of mother does  always has soothing effect.

Love is always protective. The emotion of a brother towards his sister, relation ship of a friend is all about love. They love them so they are always willing to protect.

Teacher always have desire to see his student grow both in wisdom and in wealth. You will never find a teacher who gets envious of his students growth. These are few of examples of human to human relation. There may me possibility of another form of true love.

Just observe , when a rainbow appears in sky , how a child feels? When birds fly in the sky freely ,just observe beauty of this. When frogs sings in rainy seasons, what happens?

In rainy seasons when the whole earth is covered greenly plants , how does one feel? Of course these emotions expands your heart. It is love for nature. There can not be any possibility of lust here.

Even with your pet animals, the kind of emotion some one enjoys , is purely based on love. This frees the heart of both the recipient and the giver both 

Like wise it is very important for some one to be aware of this fact, whether he is falling in love or getting entrapped in the viscious circle of lust.

One you are clear about your emotion, you can be ready to face challenges to be posed by the relationship. It is also important as it also gives you an option to choose the relation.

One must understand that in love , the heart  of a man blossoms, but in lust the soul of a man gets entrapped. Love equip a man to give and give while lust always forces a man to take and take. Love sets the heart of a man free, while lust enslaves the soul. Choice is yours what you choose, lust or love?

Ajay Amitabh Suman:All Right Reserved

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Fear From Freedom

A peacock and a Bird Mynah  lived in a garden. The two had a very close friendship. Be it day or night, work or rest, both used to take time out to meet.

Their friendship used to add more color during the rainy season. When the peacock started dancing by spreading its colorful feathers in cloudy weather, Bird Mynah would start singing. In the season, the joy would spread all around.

In those days the son of  that garden’s owner had come to visit. Seeing the captive mingling of peacock and the Bird Mynah, he was stunned. Now that child would sometimes come to the garden to see both of them.

Here the peacock was the lover of weather, the lover of cloud. He danced only when the cloud covered the sky. Because of this, the child had to wait a long time. But to please the child, Bird Mynah  used to imitate his voice exactly.

The child was happy to see the Bird Mynah  imitating his voice like this. He would repeatedly speak to the Bird Mynah  and Mynah would imitate him. In this way Mynah got closer to the child and his distance from the peacock kept increasing.

Peacock repeatedly tried to convince  Mynah to stop copying others' voices, but Bird Mynah  turned a deaf ear to the advise of his friend. The peacock continued on its nature of loving the weather, loving the cloud and Bird Mynah kept trying to please that child by imitating his voice.

With the passage of time the child grew up. He had to go away from the village to a big town  to further  study. But he was fond of Bird Mynah  so much that he could not imagine living alone without him.

The boy started insisting on his father to take that Bird Mynah also with him. After all, how many times could the father refuse. So his father made allowed his son to carry the Bird Mynah with him  , but for the safety of Bird Mynah, he kept him in a cage. No one could harm Myna in the cage. Bird Mynah’s  safety was also to be taken care of.

Bird Mynah  had to pay the price for copying another. By the time Bird Mynah  realized his mistake, it was too late. Feeling sad, Bird Mynah had to stay in the cage.

It is said that time heals every wound. When Bird Mynah  left, the peacock kept on shedding tears for some time. But for how many days? Life does not go on by shedding tears.

It was necessary to work hard to eat food. The peacock had to come out to live. The hunger of a sinful stomach makes everything forget. Peacock got busy with his life. Slowly everything became normal.

Here Bird Mynah  also kept on adapting himself  with the changing times. Initially, Bird Mynah  also felt bad to be tied in a cage. He used to remember the day of independence. Remembering the days spent with the peacock.

When the clouds covered the sky, the peacock used to dance like his own feather and sing, wow what a moment. When the whole sky used to be the home of both of them. No one was there to stop them.

Now his whole world was confined within the wall of the cage. Bird Mynah  had realized that the old days are not going to come back. So why not adopt the life of a cage.

So forgetting the old days, now he started focusing on the good things of the new life. Now without any hard work, Bird Mynah  would get food on time. Now he could not be killed by any carnivorous animal. With the passage of time, Bird Mynah  now felt quite secure inside the cage.

And what he was supposed to do for this, just wag his tail at the behest of his master and imitate his voice in front of his friends. And in return he got the love and admiration of his master. After all, what else did he need?

Time was flying with wings. Soon the education of that child was completed. After completing his degree, he had to return home. When he returned to his home, he also brought that Bird Mynah  with him.

After a long time, when the peacock heard the voice of his friend, his happiness knew no bounds. When he immediately reached his master's house, he saw that Bird Mynah  was making them laugh by imitating the voice of that child.

The peacock hid and waited for the night so that he could meet  Mynah alone. At night, when the owner's child went to sleep, the peacock approached  Mynah after getting an opportunity to inquire.

When  Mynah met his friend after so many days, both of them had tears in their eyes. After taking care of each other,  Mynah asked the peacock that why the owner's child has kept him in this cage, why not the peacock?

Peacock replied, Man likes the slavery of society, country, religion, caste, history, family and does not know whose slave and compels others to live in the same way. Whoever a man likes, he gets to control it.

Only for the sake of name, a man fights for freedom, but the real fight is not for freedom, in fact man's fight is to enslave and get slaved in his own way.

Look, my brother, the peacock further said, man does not want to live in freedom but in a chain made by himself. You imitated man, man drew a cage line for you too.

Well leave all these things too. The peacock further excitedly said to Mynah, now the time has come to break down the line drawn by the man. Come on friend, the whole sky is waiting for you again. Let’s come out of the cage.

Saying this the peacock opened the cage door and asked  Mynah to accompany him. Peacock thought Mynah  would not let this golden opportunity pass by. He thought that both would be able to sing and dance together in the open sky.

But alas, contrary to the peacock's expectation,  Mynah closed the cage door hesitatingly. In a single day, the peacock felt both immense joy and immense despair. Bird Mynah, with folded hands  requested  the peacock to return.

Bird Mynah said, Brother, because of being in the cage for so long, the habit of flying has gone. The second thing is that even drinking food in the cage is easily available. I am happy here brother. You go back to the garden. And yes sometimes keep coming to meet me.

The peacock returned to the garden with a smile. The peacock was laughing. It was clearly visible to him that due to living with man for so long time, maybe even my friend Mynah has also developed affinity for slavery.

Man can neither live alone nor allows others to be alone. Like a man, his friend Bird Mynah was also afraid of freedom. To fly in the open sky, after all, one has to bear the dangers of the sky too.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved

Judiciary as a tool for injustice

First, let us clarify what Passover and adjournment are all about. In reality, when an advocate has numerous cases in one day, he cannot attend to all of them at the same time. Naturally, in the case where he is appearing in one case, in the other matter he has to ask for an adjournment.

And pass over is also a similar kind of concept. The Hon'ble Judges take up their cases in series. If an advocate is appearing in another court on another matter, he may ask for a pass over. In that situation, after finishing the complete list of cases, the Hon'ble Judges take up the pass over matter.

Both these concepts have been incorporated into the Judiciary in order to ease the justice delivery mechanism. But actually, what is happening today can be understood from the facts narrated here below.

One day, I was waiting for my case to come. My matter was down the list , so I had no other option but to wait for my turn. I was observing the other court case.

I witnessed one child custody case. The advocate from the wife's side was asking for a pass over. This request was vehemently opposed by the husband's side. When I paid attention to the contention of the husband's advocate, the true picture that emerged was that the matter was listed for argument on the issue of custody of their son.

My husband was residing in London. He was a British citizen. His visa was going to expire in 4 days. So he had to return to London to resume his job. Many matters were listed before the Court on that day. Following the launch, the Court was divided into two parts to hear cases. As a result, once the pass was granted, there was every chance that the matter would not reach. After that, there was a one-week holiday.

The consequence of Passover was that , once Passover was granted, the issue of child custody could not have been decided. This was the reason the advocate from the husband's side was opposing that Passover vehemently. In spite of vehement opposition by the lawyer from the husband's side, the Court had no option but to grant the pass over.

And as expected, the matter could not be reached after launch. The lawyer from the wife's side was able to secure the relief for his client as the child was living with the wife and the issue of child custody remained undecided. The husband had to go back to London empty-handed.

The problem with Passover and adjournment is that there has not been any law or regulation to control this tendency of Passover and adjournment. This is why advocates use this instrumentality of pass and adjournment as a tool to secure interest in favor of their respective clients.

Although requesting a pass over and adjournment is not illegal. This concept has been part and parcel of the judiciary across the world. But there has to be some curb on it. This should not be abused by advocates in order to protect their client's interests.

A few of the legal practices that have been used to cause injustice are pass over and adjournment. There has to be some mechanism so that proper utilization of pass and adjournment can be ensured.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

No one can disturb you

One office assistant was busy carrying his file and putting it in the right place. He was trying to accomplish his task as soon as possible.
He was very enthusiastic and always propmpt in discharching his task. But there is thin but a very huge difference in discharging one's task promptly and finishing the task perfectly.
It has always been seen that the one, who prefers to accomplish his job quickly, always commits few mistakes. In order to finish the job quickly , it is highly probable that few mistakes may crop in.
It has rarely been seen that a work done in a hasty manner, comes out flawless. It is very rare combination that one who does his work hastily, is not prone to mistakes.
That office assistant was also not exception to this. His nature of performing his taks quickly aften results in silly mistakes.
This was but natural that his colleagues would envy with him. It happened many times that he used to finish the tasks, which normally require two office assistants to finish the job.
And what could be natural result of this. Off course jealously and inferiority complex amongst his colleagues.
His colleagues often used to taunt him and he often used to retaliate. His colleagues were busy in pointing out his silly mistakes and in the reply, he used to laugh at them at their slow pace of discharching their job.
But thing is that one strong man can not fight together with many weak persons. One man can not prevail upon others person if they come together.
In this office game of criticism and counter criticism, that office assistant alwyas found himself to be lone ranger. No one used to support him.
One day he was sitting in depressed mood. As usual ,his colleagues have left his calm unsettled by hurling at him lots of taunt and naughty remarks.
The Senior officer was observing him from distance. He tried to console him. That office assistant asked as to why no body likes him? He never thought any thing ill against any body. Still most of colleagues are busy laughing at him. What could be remedy of that?
The office answered: look , you give them an opportunity to others for this. All of your colleagues are not as efficient as you are, so this is but natural that they do not like you.
They are suffering from inferiority complex. This is but natural that they will taunt you. Important thing is this that how you are handling this situation.
You are disturbed not because of them, but because you have given them an opportunity to disturb you.
And remedy is simple, very simple. Stop reacting to their comment. Just be indifferent towards their taunt. Do not react.
If you stop reacting to their comment,for 
how long they can continue with their misbehaviour? 
After all there is limit of every thing. Why you are making your self slaves to their comments. Instead of utilizing you energy on reacting to their taunt, it would be better if you focuss on correcting your mistakes.
He patted on the shoulder of that office assistant and left the office. The office assistant was watching him leaving the office, with thankful eyes. After all the lesson of life he had learnt.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

We can not change the time but our self we can


Once, conflict was going on between the husband and his wife. When his mother visited them, the husband complained that his wife did not treat her well.

While his wife brought up a similar concern. The wife was upset because her husband had not treated her with respect in past. According to her, she simply reciprocated.

Both of them have since become adamant in their positions. The relationship suffered as a result.

One day, one of the wife's elderly relatives paid them a visit.

Despite their best efforts to maintain their relationship as natural as possible, her uncle was able to see through their attempts at camouflage.

The uncle attempted to comprehend the issue while they had breakfast. Soon, the husband and wife began accusing one another of the wrongdoings they had previously committed against one another.

Her uncle recognized the issue. He started saying that stressing that there was nothing we could do about what had already transpired. Time has just one direction.

Time always goes in one direction, from the past to the present and from the present to the future.

The passage of time cannot ever be turned around. No matter how hard one tries, one thing is certain, one cannot travel back in time.

We have control over the present time only. God has not provided us with the ability to travel back in time. We can not correct the errors that we have made in the past.

We can only memorize our past, which is the only choice we have. Either we can forgive the I'll deeds and there by can improve our relationship, or we can spoil our relation ship by memorizing the I'll deeds done in past. Why not to use the better option!

The issue has been fixed. Young couple have realized that remembering past ill actions won't get them anywhere. Correcting them is better. The uncle was smiling, as were the husband and wife.

They now know that it is pointless to continually bring up wrongdoings from the past. The key to their relationship improving was greater memory.

It is better to use the present to improve one's own future rather than memorizing the negative past.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Rerved

Sunday, August 28, 2022

A winner has to wait

Right from childhood, we have been taught that we are born winners. In fact, this is also biologically true.

Life is result of struggle. The very beginning of life is the result of a fight amongst millions of sperm penetrating the ovary.

This is a biologically proven fact that when one sperm, out of the other million fighting sperm, succeeds in penetrating the ovary, the process of cell division starts.

This process ultimately gives birth to an embryo, which is the foundation of a life. It means life itself is the result of a fight, and an infant is actually a born winner.

So, no need to get disheartened in an adverse situation. It is very motivational to get motivated by this fact that everyone is a born winner.

Does it mean that, being a born winner, one will win without making any effort? There is a catch behind this silver lining of a born winner. Being a born winner does not mean that you will remain a born winner forever.

Remember that you came to this world by winning a fight. It is true that an infant is a born winner, but to win forever in life , one must also learn to wait.

After all, a baby can not start learning in one day. A bud can not result in a tree instantly.

Fruit can not come off a tree quickly. Every action is guided by time. From similarity, it is true that everyone is a born winner from the moment of birth itself.

But to succeed in life, one must learn to give time to bettering one's skills. Being a born winner is good, but without practice, even this skill is useless.

A student having a sharp memory is good, but what if the student does not apply his skill?

Being a good warrior is good, but what is the use of that if that warrior gives up his practise and instead becomes about his skill?

We have seen that, knowing this fact, we are equipped with special privileges right from the beginning, but this does not mean that in life , we will achieve all things automatically.

A plant takes time to grow. Everything has to wait for the right time in order to succeed. Meanwhile, a natural winner must devote time to honing his craft.

A well-groomed, skilled man knows that when he applies his skill at the appropriate time , the desired result is bound to be fetched.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Modern Day Governance: Fightocracy

There are numerous distinctions between humans and animals. One of these is that animals cannot consider the welfare of their society as a whole, whereas people can.

Animal was led by his animal instinct. This animal instinct is crucial for his survival.

This is why an animal cannot think about anything other than his own survival. However, humans can.

This is why feudal civilization has supplanted herd living. Monarchy has taken the role of feudalism.

The current type of government isdemocracy, which is prevalent in the majority of the world's countries.

Human civilization has worked hard to create a society that can provide for the welfare of an increasing number of people.

Idea of Democracy can be summarised in the words of Abraham Lincoln who once said, "Democracy is a rule of the people, for the people and by the people".

It implies that democracy is a system of government in which the welfare of the general populace is given top priority.

However, what we are observing is that these political leaders and parties have absolutely no regard for the interests of the general public.

People vote for their representatives with the hope that they will enact excellent legislation to improve their situation.

However, after being chosen by the people, these leaders lose their mission. When we examine a political discussion, all we perceive is a sequence of accusations and denials.

Right now, all the leaders and parties are competing to make each other look foolish. It appears that these politicians' principal goal is to win the election in order to advance their cause.

This is a very sad state of affairs in the country. It appears that the current style of governance is dominated solely by animal instinct.

The government is being driven by the fighting instinct. It appears that the fundamental form of governance now is fightocracy rather than democracy.

This combat culture pervades the country, whether in the centre or in the states. This is the sad picture , but true picture of current working of governance.

Ajay Amitabh Suman:All Right Reserved

Monday, July 4, 2022

Corporate Mantra from Politics


There is a similarity between the way politics and the corporate world work. Be it politics or corporate houses, the secret of the success of both is whether the people at the top are able to take everyone along with them or not?

For this it is necessary that the doors of the people at the top of the management should be open to those working with them.

One does not become great by being stubborn. Growth of an organization depends on whether an ordinary party worker can meet the top leaders without any hindrance or not?

If the Top leaders prefer to be surrounded by a select few like-minded people rather than those who work with him, then what can be the consequence of this, it is clearly evident from the events happening in politics today.

Inaccessibility to grass root level party members is fatal to any political party. If the top leaders are not open to their ground level workers, there is every possibility that the organization shall loose it's contact at ground level.

Accessibility and open ness to all the individual members is must for any political organization.

The same applies to corporate houses as well. In addition to listening to the members who are happy with the management , if they do not listen to those who raise the voice of resistance, then the interest of that future of that corporate house is not in good taste.

The strength of an organization depends on how capable it is to understand and mange the voice of discontent rising from within.

Secondly, the institution should never compromise on its basic ideological principles. The basis of every political party is some fundamental principle.

Every organization has some unique way of working. Every organization is different in its lo p goal and the methods adopted to achieve the goal.

Sometimes there are occasions when cooperation with parties who differ in principle proves to be of immediate benefit. But its far-reaching consequences always prove against the interests of the party.

The same applies to corporate houses as well. Each corporate house has its own unique way of working and its own fundamentals. Everyone has their own fundamental principles and ideological basis.

There is no use in finding new allies by compromising with one's own basic principles. Remember, these are the only ways of functioning on the basis of which the existence of an organization has remained for so long. Then the relations created by compromising on the basic doctrinal basis do not last long.

What else does the formation and disintegration of coalition governments in politics prove? After all, politics too has been run by individuals. For how many days can a car running on two different types of wheels last?

Next issue is managing the energy of young ones with experience of older ones. Every political party likes to promote the younger generation. But along with warm enthusiasm, the support of the older generation is also very necessary for success.

Just as it is necessary to take quick decisions according to the time,place and situation, sometimes long and serious thinking is needed before taking any step.

It is necessary for a weapon to be strong, but more importantly, how tight are the hands that are engaged in the detection of the target with the weapon?

And here it becomes necessary that those hands have faced such situations again and again or not? Do those hands have enough experience or not?

Neither any political party nor any corporate house can move forward without striking a balance between the experience of the old generation and the enthusiasm of the new generation.

It is often seen that in the intoxication of power, the leaders sitting at the top positions of the institution start imposing their decisions without taking the opinion of the members.

If decisions are to be imposed on the members, then a little bit of their participation is also very important.

If an organization expects dedication towards the work of the members, then the accountability of the organization should also be towards its worker.

And this cannot happen without involving its members in the decision-making process.

Remember, the success or failure of an organization depends on how much each member working in that organization is devoted to that organization?

And last but most importantly, avoid bigotry. Political bigotry not only gives rise to your new rivals, but also proves you to be arrogant somewhere.

The same applies to corporate houses as well. You don't grow up by speaking up against someone else or humiliating someone else.

It is better that instead of speaking big words, your actions should be your voice. After all ,person who delivers more that what he promises, do not fail anywhere, be it politics or corporate houses.

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Rights Reserved

Saturday, July 2, 2022

What you are ashamed of

June was nearing its end. It had been predicted that the monsoon would begin in the next two to three days by the Meteorological Department. However, there was no relief from the scorching heat because the clouds in the sky weren't allowing the heat of the atmosphere to escape.

Because of this, the temperature had become very high. From then on, the moisture took a toll on him. The effect of the cooler and the AC had also diminished.

In the evening, when I came out of the office to get some food, I was frostbitten by this sultry heat. The sweat was not dripping off. The problem was exacerbated by stickiness.

It is good that because of A.C. and involvement in work, we do not realize that when the day passes. I used to feel hungry in the evening while working. The food brought from home used to be disposed of at lunch itself. So one had to go out to satisfy the hunger.

On the sides of the roads, there were countless vendors selling roasted grains of maize. Evening food could be only roasted grains of maize. For a moment, it was enough to satisfy the appetites of both the stomach and the mind.

There was a competition among the vendors to see who could see the customer approaching. They started to use each other to attract the customers by making noises. I kept on moving on. 

A short distance away, I saw a vendor who was sitting very calmly. He probably wasn't in a hurry.

The maize near him appeared to be of very good quality. And he was not even making noise like the others were making. Perhaps he had confidence in the quality of his corn. While making noise here, I got a little irritated by the other vendors. So I decided to take maize from him. I stood up after ordering corn.

While heating the corn, he asked me, 
sir, what do you think about what is happening in Maharashtra? Uddhav Thackeray's government collapsed in the same way as the BJP's almost two and a half years ago. History is repeating itself. Isn't this surprising?

He probably expected an agreeable answer from me. I was very hungry. 

I said, "Hey brother, whose government comes now, whose concern is it?" Why are you worried about the rise and fall of governments? You have to roast the corn. Don't you do your work? Why do you put your mind here and there? Do you alone bear all the burden of the country and the state? I said, looking at him with a sly look.

Maybe my words stung him. He laughed and said, "Sir, this is democracy; even a Tea Seller can become Prime Minister." Please tell me whether a citizen has the right to be politically conscious or not. One gets to know about the events that are happening around the country.

I understood. I didn't even get my point right. With a view to pacifying him, I said that one should be politically informed and also that there is no wrong with having an opinion about what is happening around us. But what about you? Keep this in mind: money is coming from selling corn to you, isn't it? This is what you have to do. Put your heart into this. That's right for you. This should be your concern and not the rise or fall of the government.

He replied, "I am roasting the corn now. It is not necessary. I will continue to do this for the rest of my life." I am a graduate. I am also learning shorthand typing. Somewhere, a job will be found. If not, I will go to some court and set up my shop. I will earn enough to survive.

I was born poor. What is my fault in this? I also have the responsibility of my younger brothers. That's why I have to do this. But who doesn't have problems? I have to move forward. He continued with his words.

I was both happy for his confidence and sorry for his miserable condition. By then he had heated the corn. I paid him the money and started moving ahead with the corn. But one thing has been bothering me till now. What is such an educated boy doing over there?

In the end, I could not resist myself. While walking, I asked him, "Are you not ashamed of selling corn like this after graduating?"

His answer bewildered me.

He said, "Sir, I did not cheat anyone, I did not lie, and I do not even have a loan. Then what is the shame?" I only make money through hard work and honesty. I am not doing any wrong work. What should I be ashamed of?

While working in the office, his words sometimes force me to think, "I did not cheat anyone, I did not lie, and I do not even have a loan. Then what is the shame?"

His answer made me a bit restless. Doesn't every man sitting in a high position in the office lie, cheat, and dishonestly? And if he does, why isn't he ashamed?

Leave aside the matter of others, the important thing was, have I never lied, never tricked anyone, never cheated in my life? And if so, have I ever been ashamed? And the answer was clearly negative.

I may have made a mistake in judging it. However, even in this mistake, I did learn a lesson in life. It is not always correct to evaluate someone by their work and status. The character strength of a person defines him in the right way.

Before preaching to others, it is necessary that one look at oneself once in the mirror. Are you providing it to someone else because you are not in need of it?