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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

How to Manage Ego?

         Once upon a time, there was a Master. He always used to keep a skull with him. He always used to speak of non-violence. He was soft spoken person. However he always used to keep a skull with him, wherever he go. His disciple were not able to understand this.  His disciple asked this question to him as to why he always keep a skull with him. The Master replied that one day he was going to take bath in River. On the way to river his legs struck this skull badly. However this skull did not reply any thing. The Master further explained that this skull must have been a living person one day. This skull must have responded any body  who would have laughed at him. This skull must have laughed at any body in order to boost his ego. This skull must have rebuked somebody getting jealous of something. Now even if I hit this skull with my leg, it is not responding. It is keeping quiet. I keep this skull with me to remind me that one day I will also become like this skull. In case somebody rebukes me, it remind me the futility of my ego. In case somebody laughs at me, it makes me soothe my ego. I am carrying this skull all the time only with a view to calm down my ego.

Ajay Amitabh Suman

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