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Monday, December 4, 2017

What was Yudhishthir's Greatest Sin?

         In Mahabharat, Yudhishthira was considered as the most Pious Soul. He was considered as Epitome of Virtue and it is said he did not commit any mistake, except one half lie.

          At the End of Mahabharat Epic, when All Pandavas tried to Venture to ascend to Heaven alive, it was the Yudhishthira only, who ascended into Heaven Alive. During the Way to Heaven, all other four Pandavas , including  Draupadi died.

          It is said that Yudhishthira was so Pious , Vrtuous and so truthful that his Chariot Never touched the Ground. Because of Truthfullness, Right fullness , he practised in his whole life, his Chariot Never Touched the Soil. Such was greatness of Yudhishthira.

       However, Yudhishthira had to Visit Hell for some time where he saw all his brothers including Draupadi tortured. Even Karna was also seen being tortured in Hell. Later Yudhishthira  was explained that he did committed a half sin in his life as he lied regarding death of Ashvatthama. It is said that this was the only half sin , which he committed in his whole life. This was the only reason, Yudhishthira had to visit Hell.

         But what about Betting his Wife Draupadi in Gamble. Mahabharat is totallysilent on this aspect. In Mahabharat , Yudhishthira was not held guilty for betting his Wife Draupadi in Gamble and loosing her. Yudhishthira used his Wife as Good. I think this is one of the most heinous crime committed in Mahabharat. Yudhishthir Must had to be held guilty for that.

        But instead, this was rationalized. During the Exile, when Bhim and Arjuna held Yudhishthira responsible for all this, Sage Vyas reached there and told them story of Ram and Lakshmana that how Lakshmana left his wife for his brother Ram. Thus Yudhishthira was protected by Vyasa.

          It is a matter of Great Surprise to me that Mahabharat did not consider betting of wife in Gamble, A Sin. In my view betting of wife Draupadi in Gamble , by Yudhishthir is the most heinous crime , he committed and for this he was not worthy of entering into Heaven alive, like other Pandavas and Kauravas.

Ajay Amitabh Suman

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