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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Wait One Revolutionary is meeting the Another

        Every body knows about Sardar Bhagat Singh. Sardar Bhagat Singh is known as one of the Great Revolutionary who played a pivotal role in Indian Independence struggle. There are many revolutionaries who played important role in Indian Independence Struggle. But Sardar Bhagat Singh is different.

         Readers would be surprised , why I am writing such blog in this spiritual space. I have reason to write this blog on Sardar Bhagat Singh on this spiritual space. There are two kind of spiritual person. Some are blindly spiritual. By faith they believe the existence of God. Others are atheist , who demand proof for existence of God. 

      Very few people know that Bhgat Singh was atheist. Bhagat Singh raised serious doubt about existence of God.  Bhagat Singh was very much skeptical about existence of God. The miseries, suffering of people shaken his faith in God. He has also written an article, which was published after his death. The name of article was " WHY I AM AN ATHEIST". The relevant excerpts of that article, written by Sardar Bhagat Singh has been reproduced as herein below:

Being atheist, I ask a few questions from theists:

1. If, as you believe there is an Almighty, Omnipresent, Omniscient God, who created the earth or universe, please let me know, first of all, as to why he  created this world. This world which is full of woe and grief, and countless miseries, where not even one person lives in peace. 

2. Pray, don’t say it is His law. If He is bound by any law, He is not Omnipotent. Don’t say it is His pleasure. Nero burnt one Rome. He killed a very limited number of people. He caused only a few tragedies, all for his morbid enjoyment. But what is his place in history? By what names do we remember him? All the disparaging epithets are hurled at him. Pages are blackened with invective diatribes condemning Nero: the tyrant, the heartless, the wicked. 

3.One Genghis Khan killed a few thousand people to seek pleasure in it and we hate the very name. 

4. Now, how will you justify your all powerful, eternal Nero, who every day, every moment continues his pastime of killing people? How can you support his doings which surpass those of Genghis Khan in cruelty and in misery inflicted upon people? I ask why the Almighty created this world which is nothing but a living hell, a place of constant and bitter unrest. Why did he create man when he had the power not to do so? Have you any answer to these questions? You will say that it is to reward the sufferer and punish the evildoer in the hereafter. Well, well, how far will you justify a man who first of all inflicts injuries on your body and then applies soft and soothing ointment on them? How far the supporters and organizers of Gladiator bouts were justified in throwing men before half starved lions, later to be cared for and looked after well if they escaped this horrible death. That is why I ask: Was the creation of man intended to derive this kind of pleasure?"

          One this was certain that Bhagat Singh was very firm in his conviction. This is important that he was having very short span of life. He died at the very young age of 23 years. He raised serious doubt about the existence of God. This is another this that he did not get the right answer. He did not came across the Spiritual Guru. Had he met a true spiritual Guru and got the guidance, he certainly would have attained the height.

          This aspect of life of Bgahat Singh can not be overlooked that he was very genuine and serious   in what though, what he believed and what he acted.

        Through out his life, Sardar Bhagat SIngh kept on denying the existence of God. On the day when he was to be hanged, senior jail warden Chhattar Singh requested Sardar Bhagat Singh to singh the glory of God. But Bhagat Singh denied the same and said if on the last day of my life, "I would take the name of God, People would say that I was afraid. 

            When the Jail Warden Chhattar Singh came to take Bhagat Singh for execution, Bhagat Singh was reading a book on Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin.  Bhagat Singh requested the Jail Warden and said " WAIT ONE REVOLUTIONARY IS MEETING THE ANOTHER".

             What a height, what a confidence, what a self reliance, what a courage Bhagat Singh shown in his character. Words are not sufficient to describe the character of Bhagat Singh. Actually he was those few persons in this world, about whom it can be said that there was no any difference in his words and deed.

Ajay Amitabh Suman

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