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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Adjournment Request

 (Scene: A busy courtroom. It’s lunchtime, and the Hon’ble Judge is rising from his seat, eagerly looking at the clock. Just as he’s about to leave, a lawyer rushes forward.)

Lawyer (hastily): "With Your Lordship’s kind permission, may I request—"

Judge (cutting him off, already halfway to the door): "No."

Lawyer (not giving up): "My Lord, I am mentioning a matter for adjournment!"

Judge (sighing, turning back slightly): "Sir, can I refuse your mentioning?"

Lawyer (pleading): "My Lord, kindly give me a date."

Judge (waving his hand dismissively): "Sir, please accept my denial."

Lawyer (dramatically): "But My Lord, justice delayed is justice denied!"

Judge (raising an eyebrow): "Sir, lunch delayed is lunch denied."

(Courtroom erupts in laughter. The judge exits swiftly. Lawyer stands there, looking defeated but impressed by the judge’s quick wit.)


 A Mediation Room – A lawyer and his client sit across from the opposing party and their lawyer. The mediator watches patiently.)

Client (whispering to his lawyer, looking frustrated): "Sir, taking a hard stand in mediation isn’t working. The other side just isn’t budging! What do we do now?"

Lawyer (cracking his knuckles): "Hmm… Let me try it softly."

(Clears throat, leans forward, and smiles politely at the opposing party.)

Lawyer (in an overly sweet voice): "Dear respected opposition, would you kindly consider our proposal? After all, we’re all friends here, aren’t we?"

Opposing Counsel (raising an eyebrow): "Friends? Last week, you called my client a 'financial black hole' in court!"

Lawyer (still smiling but with clenched teeth): "Oh, that? A slight exaggeration, just legal poetry, really!"

Client (muttering): "This is going nowhere..."

Lawyer (now switching to an emotional approach): "Look, we could fight this case for years, but wouldn’t it be beautiful if we just… hugged it out?"

(Mediator looks intrigued. Opposing party looks confused.)

Opposing Party: "Uh… are you seriously suggesting a group hug?"

Lawyer (leaning in, whispering dramatically): "No… I’m suggesting settlement! But in the spirit of harmony, you know? Less anger, more… agreement?"

Opposing Counsel (smirking): "Nice try, but we still reject your proposal."

Lawyer (leaning back, sighing): "Alright, back to the hard stand. I tried softness—it lasted a whole 30 seconds!"

Client (facepalming): "I should’ve just hired a therapist instead."

(Mediator shakes their head while everyone else laughs.)

Strong case

 Strong case

Judge: "Counsel, you may proceed with your request."

Newly Engaged Lawyer: "My Lord, I seek an adjournment. I just got engaged... to this case, I mean!"

Opposing Counsel (vehemently objecting): "My Lord, my Learned Friend is the third lawyer engaged by the opposite party. It seems they change lawyers more often than I change my ties! I, on the other hand, have been the sole warrior in this battle since time immemorial!"

Judge (raising an eyebrow): "Hmm… And yet, here we are, still battling it out?"

Opposing Counsel (confidently): "Exactly, My Lord! The opposite party has no case at all! None! Zilch! They’re just playing musical chairs with their lawyers, hoping one of them magically discovers a case for them!"

Judge (chuckling): "Interesting. If they have no case, what exactly have you been doing for so long?"